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You are hilarious because you keep going and going like the Energizer Bunny! Go somewhere else and ruin another topic for someone else.

You ruined your own topic, and fact is it’s you that’s consistently drawing it off topic because of everything and everyone else…

Stop blaming me for your problems, as there’s a time when you have to take assessment of it and accept your own demise.

I truly will be laughing when you come back with another issue, because you can be sure I won’t be posting any help, I’ll just be liking every post that you make when you’re struggling.

I knew you would be back, someone in your state of mind will always ruin things for others and keep on. I pity you I really do have a nice one and hopefully someone will help you.

I hope you keep that promise of not posting on any of my topics it would be actually good to hear from those that matter and want to stay on topic.

I was told to tell you take your nonsense to another forum not here you violated the rules.

I wouldn’t trust your assessment of anyones state of mind as you’re prejudiced in the first place, hence this thread being a whole heap of everything else from you…

Just remember, when I like your post, I’m laughing. And when some of those give you advice that you think doesn’t work, I hope you respond to them the same way you have here because that will show them that you’re not someone to actually bother with…

I don’t care who’s told you to say what, they aren’t you, and you saying it, is actually breaking the rules apparently…

I haven’t violated ANY rules, you just want to make out I have because you’re trying to make an issue, because you made the issue you cannot handle…

Don’t call me names, attack me, or bring other threads and posts into it, because none of it relates to this topic, that you derailed by yourself.

There you go again grow up ruin someone else’s topic which I was told you have done to many. Must be nice to ruin someone else’s work because you are jealous that you are not coming up with anything. You derailed the topic so stop your lies and you keep doing it by not allowing others to post because you are filling the time with annoyance.

You ruined it yourself, cut it out. Stop whinging about it.

Stop lying kiddo…

And those rules you violated is clearly listed in the forums own statement so you have no leg to stand on by your continuing to fill up my topic with you nonsense nobody will want your help after they see this and I will make sure, like others have shown me, the threads that you have done this before time and time again.

Grow up i can see I’m talking to a child not a grown man. Most adults would just stop but only someone with a child like mind keeps going like yourself. And that’s not an insult that is stating a fact of how you are acting.

I violated nothing, you’ve violated a heckload…

The other threads have nothing to do with this, and you mentioning them is derailing your own topic.

Stop acting your shoe size then if you are.

I’m tired of you you bore me go elsewhere and ruin another topic which you have done before I really pity you.

Again, off topic… Stop derailing your own topic.

I pity you i really do.

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I don’t care… All of this anger and abuse from me trying to help you shows you have trouble yourself.

I really feel bad for you and i feel so much pity for you.

Again, I don’t care…

You’ve definitely violated so many rules in this thread, where I’ve violated none so all your reports are absolutely false.

The moderators will see this and act accordingly.

I feel sorry for you I really do.

Don’t need to, because I’m not the one you should feel sorry for… You should be sorry for yourself being so caught up on trying to abuse someone so much that you derail your own topic then blame everyone else and cry wolf…

That’s a pretty sorry state right there.
