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You said you must be using a translator and do not know English so there have been many other instances but apparently you think you are right. Like I said I’ll let the admin decide since you took away from my topic. And as I said you are known for this and have done it on other peoples topic pulling others away from what the topic is about. You have proven yourself to argue over the little things then you insult people if they do not agree which I was directed to other topics that you have done this before. I’ll let the admin that I reported you to decide. And you’ll prove me right when you reply again so that you have affirmation that you matter and are right which you do not.

I actually asked IF you were using a translator because it was clear you weren’t understanding things.

The fact you took that as an insult is your issue.

Your issue that you show you had trouble with ‘me’ from you reading crap from everywhere else, which you brought into this thread to make your insults and attacks validated in your mind.

And we will be having a moderator looking at this, as your attacks and insults towards me are down-right idiotic, that you think they’re even appropriate to put forth to someone who is and has taken time out of their day to try sort your crap out.

As I said the admin will decide what to do with you has for me I pity you since you took away from my topic and many others.

You did it yourself, and the fact of what you read everywhere else and the opinion you arrive at from that, is nothing to do with this thread, or me in the slightest…

It’s all you.

You have not been helpful to me or anyone else in this topic but wanting to argue it’s you that the admin will be looking at and by the threads shown they will see you have done this to others.

You’re the only one looking for help in this topic, so everyone has nothing to do with anything other than you trying to make reasons to continue…

Stop replying, because it’s clear to everyone that you were the attacker, and you took offence at something straight forward…

I didn’t say you were using a translator, I asked if you were to try and explain to me as to why you weren’t making sense or actually understanding what was being put forth to you.

The fact you have to bring everything else up shows you were already in the mindset to goad and be a dip about the whole suggestion that you do what you need to do, to diagnose your problem.

The fact that clearing cache is one of the most common solutions to the game, and you hadn’t done it, and you then went on about the suggestion for the antivirus exemption, shows you were more interested in making trouble, than sorting out your problem.

Told you to move on but you are insistant to argue which i have shown to the admin and I’m letting them decide and they have been told of the other threads you pulled this kind of behavior on and it will be looked into.

The other threads have absolutely nothing to do with your issue and attacks and insults to me, where you were merely asked a simple goddamn question…

You’re beyond reasoning and your constant attempt to bring everything else into it, is just to make your stance feel better, which to be honest, is deceptive.

After all, I didn’t insult you, but you’ve definitely put double digits of posts attacking me directly, and not once have I told you that you’re a genuine idiot, or that you should shut up…

And I told you clearing out the cache did not work and I told you my antivirus asked to allow the app/program to make changes and then i told you that the issue solved it self by a message to update my launcher which I did and it fixed the problem. But you keep going and by all means continue since you did not read apparently and it is showing that it is you wanting to cause trouble. I rather drop the matter but you have take away from the topic and anyone looking at this topic will see that and it’s no wonder nobody answered with you insulting and criticising me and many others they don’t want to deal with the likes of you.

Cool story, but it doesn’t matter if it didn’t work, it’s part of the goddamn process…

Seriously, you expect advice to instantly fix things, when it’s not like that, and I think that’s where part of your issue is… An unreasonable expectation, which you get upset at not having fulfilled, and get all angry and abusive just because you’ve read crap, elsewhere…

Stop reading that crap and making out that you even understand what’s going on, because it’s clear you don’t.

Stop bringing other threads into this thread, because your issue is you, and you alone. Deal with it.

Nobody wants to hear from you and move on with your life go to someone else and start an argument there which you will. But I was told to let you keep talking so it can make a decisive decision on what to do with you. You are the kind of individual that when people see how you act to other peoples topics that they do not want to post or just leave the forums all together.

Nope, just you pal… Don’t be upset when someone gave you advice to help you, and you didn’t think it was good so you brought everything else from the forum that you’d read to try and make a problem that you, couldn’t handle… Because you, couldn’t handle…

I feel you are projecting to be honest because you were looking for help, I tried helping you, and you got all insults and attacks on the whim of you misunderstanding something…

And there you go taking away from my topic once again, doesn’t matter you been reported by me and the admin will decide.

Nothing I said wasn’t related to this thread… Deal with it…

Stop acting like a child and grow up and if you think that’s an insult it is not it is actually telling the truth of how you are acting but it is ok I completely understand. don’t worry someone else will help you in that case.

You’re projecting again, as you are acting like a child…

As you said nothing you said was related to this thread which means you violated the rules the rules by taking away from the topic. With your own words you condemned yourself. And I see others were right you will keep going until the admin step in must be nice to have someone’s topic closed because you keep on going about things not related to the topic. You have proven what others have said that you will get a topic closed by your insistance.

Don’t try make out I said what I didn’t kid… It’s disingenuous…

Literally, you are lying now. (Edit - You always were actually)