Loading Times:

Wish they had a shedding a tear emoji so I could show you that’s what I am doing for you now, I feel so sorry for you.


Ah, that’s all, so sad.


All you had to do, was be civil, but you weren’t, so you got all upset.

You can’t move on showing there is something wrong with you. as I said I really feel sorry for you.

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You’re projecting as you’re also in here making snide comments, where I haven’t… Think about that…

You derailed your own topic, brought up everything and everyone else, then cried to the moderators about it, saying that you pity and feel sorry for me…

Definite projection. I’m just lolling it up as you’re beyond hope.

As I said, when you post up an issue, I’ll just be laughing at you… You reap what you sow.

So much pity for you others must feel the same pity for you as I do.

Again, don’t try bring others into your battles, it shows weakness… You’re weak, and it shows because of the fact you have to bring everything else into it, and try attack and insult me at every turn…

Not once have I insulted you, but you see fit to rip into me at every post.

This is a problem that you have, not I… Sort yourself out as it’s really breaking rules.

So, so much pity for you.

Pity yourself. Stop trying so hard because it’s actually embarrasing that you’re in such a state.

I feel sorry for you.

Yes I saw that. But you can’t complain about him being violent and toxic, when you do it right back…

In all fairness, when he first started helping you, you gave no additional information other than “Just wanted to see if anybody is having issues with loading times since the new update or the loading screen before a match is frozen in the loading process?” There’s not much to work with there, and you start with the most obvious like he said, which would clearing the cache. Then when that didn’t work, he tells you to look to at antivirus and exempt it from the game folder. You say, and I quote, “folder is allowed with my antivirus” to which he says you need to exempt it, and you respond with the first hostile response, as well as change your words to “the folder is exempt from antivirus” which is not what you said originally. After that y’all just start getting into a male ego fight, trying to show the other who is the more ignorant ass hat…

I’m not saying flyingdoctors actions are reasonable and justified. But his are a defensive compared to yours being offensive.

So I propos a compromise. Flyingdoctor, don’t respond to him and don’t egg him on. NeroBellum, don’t respond to Flyingdoctor and in your own words, just move on. You’ve got it fixed there’s no need for y’all to keep arguing and being rude to each other. Your problem has been fixed, so just go and play the game instead of keep arguing. And I’ll even throw myself into this compromise. I’ll stop talking here because I don’t think common sense will work here and it’s a waste of time.

Also, NeroBellum, you also violated the forum rules… You violated multiple, a few are, being uncivil, off topic, name-calling (yes that is word for word from the forum guidelines), Ad hominem attacks and, Knee-jerk contradiction. So when you reported flyingdoctor, you also reported yourself, because when staff goes through this thread, they’ll see you were also in the wrong as well…

So everyone, have a good day :)

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Who cares, waste of my time anyway, so, I’m bored with all of this and have better things to do and i have a life other than the game.