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So let us know OP if you get anything sorted, because you didn’t even mention if you’d verified your files, or done any of the basic troubleshooting in the first place.

It’ll be wonderful to know if anyone who assumes it was a bug have done anything at all other than say they’ve tried everything like everyone usually does.

See, you did not read, told ya the issue worked itself out in above statement!

I did indeed stop reading after your stupidity and insults… I’d be laughing when it starts happening again because you didn’t actually fix it.

Well, it’s fixed and not by your suggestion by a launcher update like I said before, so, next time read before commenting because apparently you lack understanding!

And all you do is mouth off without reading and understanding of what was said just like three have told me you would do, pathetic!

Why are you so bizarrely hostile to people who are trying to help you?


I actually feel he’s part of a group that are upset over me posting anywhere and everywhere, with confidence…

And that group, really need to build a bridge and get over it.

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How dare you be confident in what you say! That’s against the rules! Your supposed to submit to whatever I say! 😂

I fixed my issue with a launcher update but you are too stupid to read you are pathetic!

Don"t encourage FlyingDoctor he’s a moron because I told him time and time again the issue was fixed but he runs his mouth just like three others told me he would do to affirm that he matters!

I want you to just stop and think about what you just said… You just said he’s and idiot and a moron in the last two comments. Then you get angry at @BleedingUranium because they ask a question. Who’s hostile here??? You asked for help, he trys to help, then when you he points out other things that could be wrong, you get upset.

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I have told that idiot Flying Doctor over nad over that the issue was not antivirus but he keeps on because he wants to argue. I told him the issue was fixed when I got the message to update my launcher but the moron keeps going on and on. If I seem hostile is because the idiot does not know how to read and will not let it go. I started this topic to see if others were having issues with the Seek and Destroy update but this guy is known to butt in and give false information or he deliberatly starts arguments and takes away from the topic because he needs affirmation from others and apparently it is working because nobody has seen that the moron will not accept that his suggestion was wrong and that I fixed the issue that I was having.

Yea, I already got several messages that has said the same thing and apparently he has brought his buddies along to take away from the topic and he’s been reported by me and others.

Didn’t bring anyone in here bud, they found thier own way in here, and they came to the same conclusion, that you were being unreasonably abusive, and thus, if you’re being reported for it, then it’s all just on you.

You’re projecting when you call me an idiot and moron, because it’s you that has the issue, and you couldn’t recognise that you were at the loss in the first place, and I came in to try and help you.

If you didn’t notice, I actually worded my demand for an apology in a certain way, because if you’d even apologized, I would’ve told you to go stick it anyway…

And fact is, I hope your issue returns, and is even worse, so I can laugh at you.

I was told you are violating the forum rules and it will be looked into. You came here and keep on taking away from the topic which is against the rules. You are acting like a two year old and you have trouble understanding that the issue was fixed but you keep on going and going doing exactly what others said you would do. You said exempt the folder from antivirus and I already told you that was not the issue what did you not understand my antivirus asked me to allow the program/app to make changes which I did. The issue was fixed by updating the Gaijin launcher which I told you but you keep on taking away from the topic which was has anyone else had trouble since the update but you have a hard time understanding and that’s why you have been reported by me for taking the topic away from it’s meaning by your pathetic insistance of being affirmed that only your opinion matters. Enjoy the ban I have been told is probably what is going to happen, you have insulted many others on different topics and have done the same thing which those threads have been reported also. It’s time for you to grow up and know you do not matter in the scheme of things.

Dude, you didn’t say that the folder was exempted, and it wasn’t after you’d fixed it… Stop lying.

That isn’t making an exemption. And you didn’t say that.

Mere speculation.

No, I told you my antivirus said allow that is exactly what I told you but you keep going on about exempted. That is exactly the same thing as exempted/allowed you do not understand and I have been told to ignore you and let the admin handle you. So, have a nice ban and stop trying to lie yourself you did not read my comments apparently but you cannot grow up. You must have some issues that make it impossible for you to understand but that’s ok, I completely understand that you have psychological issues. But feel free to reply because the more you do gives the admin, you have been reported, to decide since you took away from my topic.


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He started the insults so do not pull your lies I’ll let the admin decide what to do with FlyingDoctor. If you are going to quote me get your story straight.

I didn’t insult you in the slightest, what you took as an insult was me being CONSIDERATE that you MAY NOT ACTUALLY UNDERSTAND WHAT WAS BEING TOLD TO YOU…

Honestly, the defamation that you’ve spread through this thread is hearsay and speculation.