Limit on map bans?

Map bans slow the queue times.
I have premium currently and have no map ban and it makes zero differnce to me.
A map is a map. I like some more than others but as long as Gaijin leave them alone for long enough I figure them out eventually and that is quite satisfying.

I hate seeing so many good maps go because so many bitched about them.
I also see the red lines were due to “player input”.

Maybe Gaijin should ditch the player input, return all maps to how they were 2 years ago, drop the map ban for all and get every map they have ever made on a proper rotation.


There are 86 maps in air RB and we can only ban 1? Gaijin needs a harsh lesson to respect paying players by giving them some power in their gameplay.
Out of 86 maps I think 10 or 12 would be a good number.
But they won’t do it because they need someone beating them into submission and threatening them with death to make them actually do something.

I don’t give a shit about queue times, I want power because I’m paying.

Except that I believe there is ONE map pool for everyone, not for individual players. So you couldn’t simply remove a map from that pool simply because one player has it banned. From my understanding, even banning a map is not a 100% guarantee that a player will NEVER see/play that map. The odds are quite a bit higher than any other maps, but not impossible to come across. Disliking maps does not affect how many times a player will see/play that map either. It does however give Gaijin a lot of data about what maps players do/do not like and they can use this info to make better maps in the future, pull and rework some maps and so on. I think it would benefit them a lot more if they were to “fine tune” that like/dislike/ban selection. As for me, I find most maps to be playable and even fun a good deal of the time, but find certain aspects unenjoyable.
Example: I play a lot of Air AB, generally prop games around 4.7 BR, I only dislike getting certain maps because they are clearly made for jets/RB or much higher BR planes then the ones I have in my line up. Even in an “uptier” I should not be seeing Spain, Mountain Valleys and a few other like that. And that’s because they have the spawn points so far back and the ground targets spread out to a degree you end up spending 60% - 70% of your time flying from the spawn to get near any action . . . counterproductive, scoring nerf and frankly . . just not that much to enjoy about that. If I wanted to spend all my game time flying around sightseeing and waiting to even see a target . . I’d play Air RB . . .lol. Just an example, but you see it in tanks, like 7.7 and higher BR on Ash River, a small early WW II era tank map that is fun, but not with the higher BR stuff on it. Naval too . . . Encounter maps at higher BRs(I don’t really like Encounter map layouts at all really) where you spawn in and have 6 - 8 even 10 ships pummeling you the second you spawn . . . it’s just not fun.
But with this very basic and simplistic map ban system in place, there is absolutely no way to get any of that kind of info across to the Devs, so . . . they just don’t know. Must be difficult to develop a game with so limited info/data I would think, especially with the maps . . . but it is what it is

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If you’re going to necro a thread, reading through it first would be a good idea.

So there’s 86 Air RB maps. If we pretend they’re all available at all BRs, which I’ll note they’re not, giving every player just two map maps can lead to 64 of 86 maps being banned.

And naturally, if we all had three map bans we would be left with negative-ten maps.

There is a legit way to avoid unwanted maps whidout crew lock

Should it not be "There are 86 maps on RB and we cant get 86 maps to play one after the other? "

That is 86 maps that should be played before we see the first one again.

you liar


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Unlimited ban would great or remove map filter all together

Man I want to punch your math teacher in the face if I ever see him.
How did you come up with that conclusion? It baffles me tbh.

What we know or assume to be true is that if you ban some maps you get longer queue time and we also know that there is a map rotation system at work.

This means that the MM system picks a certain map at each point in time for the players to play. If players ban a map, it doesn’t affect the MM at all. (stupid people asking: why? because if we had people banning a map and everyone has different preference, all maps would be banned and no one could get into a match)

Now we can say for sure that if a player bans a map, when that map is picked by MM, the player’s account (or game client) doesn’t apply for contribution in a match in that map and simply waits for the next map that MM picks and also isn’t the banned map which is the reason behind the longer queue time, only for that person alone.

If my assumptiona are correct then:
Conclusion : If I want to ban maps, I have to wait longer and I’m fine with that.

I counted the 16 maps that affect high tier and top tier air RB because I rarely play or care about anything below 8.3 .

Here is the list : (AH : Alternate History ,O : Operation)

  • [AH] Afghanistan 4.3+
  • [O] Afghanistan 10.7+
  • [O] Rocky Canyon 10.7+
  • [O] Golan Heights 1.7+
  • [O] Golan Heights (air spawns) 10.7+
  • [O] Kamchatka 1.7+
  • [O] Pyrenees 4.3+
  • [O] City 3.7+
  • [O] Southeastern city 7.7+
  • [O] Rocky Pillars 1.7+
  • [O] Vietnam 10.7+
  • [O] Battle for Vietnam 1.7+
  • [O] Sinai 1.7+
  • [O] Moscow 1.7+
  • [O] Spain 10.7+
  • [AH] Spain 4.3+

Out of all the 16 maps above, I only like to play 6 of them and I don’t mind playing another 2 less often.

Likes :

  1. [O] Afghanistan 10.7+ -------- It’s big, full of mountains and hills and some flat plains with all being at high elevation. I Love it.
  2. [O] Rocky Canyon 10.7+ ----- It’s big, has a huge mountain and some valleys.
  3. [O] Kamchatka 1.7+ ------------ It’s big, beautiful, has some mountains and lots of flat plains. It’s fine.
  4. [O] Pyrenees 4.3+ --------------- It’s big enough (if gaijin stops shrinking it) with good map features. Airfield positions are great.
  5. [O] Rocky Pillars 1.7±----------- It’s big, very beautiful and has some mountain cover. It’s fine.
  6. [O] Spain 10.7±--------------------- It’s not that big (gaijin shrank it by about 30km) but it’s good. It’s has hills with some low elevation good for sneaking around.

See Less Often :

  1. [O] Golan Heights (air spawns) 10.7+ ----- This one only because it has air spawns.
  2. [O] Vietnam 10.7+ ------------------------------------ CAN IT GET ANY FLATTER ???

These two I want to see less often and it’s only because they are just FLAT AF.
The rest just belong in the dumpster especially these :

Hates :

  1. [AH] Afghanistan 4.3+
  2. [O] City 3.7+
  3. [O] Southeastern city 7.7+
  4. [AH] Spain 4.3+

I absolutely freakin hate these BS four maps. They are the bane of my existence because of how small, flat and boring they are yet they appear most often and I’m really tired of that. It sucks that I can only ban one of them and not all.

I always return to hangar when map rotation picks these and will go play something else from some other nation to either avoid crew lock or wait it out.
You could kind of say that I have banned these maps by myself but if there was the option to ban them and not get them it’d be very nice, it feels bad to walk away and put my team in a disadvantage but I do it nevertheless.
I put myself and my fun above all else.

The rest of the maps I didn’t mention belong in the dislike list.

All that said, I’d like to have the option to like or dislike every map as a feedback to devs without affecting anything and to have the option to ban at least 8 maps and more if gaijin adds more new maps BECAUSE I’M PAYING AND BUYING PREMIUM TIME.

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If WT had every map it owned in proper rotation you would see the maps you hate rarely and maybe once a day.How many hours would it take to roll though every version of every map?

Then you add the maps you like because you would only get to play them once a day maybe. I could tolerate losing my map ban if that were to happen and I could tolerate the few maps I cant stand if I only see them once every four or eight hours or whatever.

Bruh, thats not how it works, most of the players simply quit the match if they got map that they hate but cant ban it since there is only 1 ban option.
Not to mention even a “good map” can be bad if you are playing certain lineup or full uptier against tanks with LRF and thermals

It works how Gaijin say it works and that is it.You debate it and complain about but how it works is up to the War Thunder people.They may listen or they may not.

Bro you can have like 5bans and it still wont change a thing.
I would say playing in platoon with 2 diffrent nations have bigger impact on the mm.

Also it is not players fault that most of the maps are garbage so why players should be punished and forced to play on map they dont like

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Are sure you are not confused and addressing the wrong person here?

Gayjin will never allow to play the map you like

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What was actually said about how bans work: “We are limiting the “Exclude” feature only for Premium account owners as the excluded maps will increase the battle queuing time if all players in a queue have different maps and missions excluded. In such a situation, the matching system will try to find matches for a few players looking for specific maps instead of many players waiting for normal rotation.”

On the “Dislike” feature: “The “Dislike” feature will be available to all players - if a few players from the matching queue have the same mission or location marked as unwanted, the location will be skipped, and the new location will be selected.” (link)

People can read that as they will. I would draw two conclusions: they have done that math and even allowing everyone only one ban would make queue times unmanageable at least some of the time. At least, that is their argument for limiting it to one ban and only for premium players. Also that the pool of players is formed before any individual map restrictions are imposed (otherwise Dislike couldn’t work as described; note it doesn’t say that the players with the dislikes or bans will be removed to the next pool and replaced, it says the pool will move on to the next map in the rotation and the player group stays the same). So yes, if everyone’s a premium player, and everyone were to ban a different map, it could well be possible today to completely prevent a queue from triggering at all, assuming there are fewer map choices available to that pool than premium players.

You just wrote a big paragraph on what I said in a few words. So do you want to share your thoughts about it?

TLDR? Your assumptions don’t match the evidence.

They actually do. Gaijin’s concern is that(at that time when player count and number of maps were low) by allowing players to ban more than one map, they will ban a lot of maps, why? because even they know how freakin shit their maps are and they freakin suck at making maps and balancing them and players would certainly ban a lot of these stupid maps, so they wanted to cut short on their work and get away free. Now that player count is much higher than back then and they have a total of 6 - 8 good and playable maps, they can increase the number of bans but they don’t plan on doing that 'cause they don’t even give a shit about premium players, let alone f2p players.
By doing this, they are stabbing themselves in the back without realizing.

Imagine those of us who pay for premium time are not given any choice besides just ONE useless, meaningless and ineffective one to be completely ignored by their MM system. What would f2p players think? Would they even consider buying premium after reading/knowing this? I don’t think so.

I mean what’s the point of this fake pReMiUm time anyways?
It only adds plus 100% (= +1) to the RP results of every match, which btw doesn’t mean doubling it, and even worse than that adding only plus 50% (= +0.5) to the SL.
Man these guys don’t even show mercy to their paying customers, let alone f2p’s.
For example your vehicle’s RP multiplier is 200%, by activating premium time it’s multiplier goes up to 300%, NOT 400 … which is a total scam.
How it is : 1x (200%) → 1x (200% + 100%) = 300%
How it should be : 1*(200%) → 1x2x (200%) = 400%

They don’t show mercy even to the paying customer.