Limit on map bans?

Why such a low limit on map bans? an increase would allow the developers to see what maps players don’t like (city maps :P) and make the game more enjoyable.


I would play GRB far far more if I could ban half the maps. 1 ban just sucks and the dislikes I dont think actually mean anything. I dont really care about que times if it meant I had fun every match


Cause there’s a low amount of maps in War Thunder.
Allowing players to ban up to 4 maps [full squad] is already a powerful tool.
Allowing them to ban 8 would be over half of the queue banned.

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Only the ban of the squad leader I relevant the others aren’t taken into account


It would drastically effect queue times apparently as Gaijin would have to match up all the maps everybody has banned or take them into consideration.

I bet you would if it was 3 or four minutes. You would spend nearly as much time waiting as playing.

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I routinely sit in 5+ minute ques for NRB and if there is a perticular aircraft im in the mood to fly, I can be waiting 10-15 minutes for an SB lobby to pop. 3 or 4 minutes is nothing


You need to get out more haha !

No not for me that. Probably not for most either. The game is simply not worth it, it really isn’t that good and often its over in less time than you have waited.

I would like to ban 2 or 3 maps but to be honest if Gaijin made Era or Tier specific maps which were better I wouldn’t need to ban any of them.

So dont ban loads then. If you dont want a long que time, dont ban any maps. If you dont mind, then ban as many as you want. At a minimum we need more than 1. 2 or 3 would be perfectly reasonable. But I would probably want to ban at least 4 or 5.


I think non premium players should get 1 free map ban, with premium players getting 2 or maybe 4. Any more might cause issues depending on how Gaijin selects maps.


I don’t currently have any maps banned as it happens. There are just too many that are offensive so why bother?

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Yep, that would work very well.

Would also be good to see them being far more proactive with map rotation. If a map is deeply unpopular (large percentage of bans/dislikes) it just gets removed or trialed at different BRs.

How do you know how many map bans will cause issues? If you dont mind me asking?

It depends on how Gaijin handles map bans with the matchmaker. Since we don’t have any info (to my knowledge) on how it works, we can’t say for sure.

1 way it could work would be removing the map from the map pool when someone joins the queue with that map banned. If too many different maps are banned, the queue wouldn’t work well.


I could dig one as a standard and an extra one as a premium player.

What I do find odd is that I can only dislike a certain amount and like a certain amount. You think Gaijin would at least appreciate honest feedback.


Assuming that like/dislike has no impact on MM. Then I would change it to a rating system. So you could give far better feedback for all maps


If I were given the option to ban more maps, I would ban all city and urban combat maps because they have no place in a game about armored warfare.


Yep, I would be exactly the same

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I think a voting style map selector before the game starts would be a nice feature, it would allow players and the devs to see what maps the player base actually likes. I doubt most players are even aware that they can dislike/like maps.

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All are taken into account currently.
Whether that’s a bug or intended IDK.
There’s a reason I don’t get Golan Heights when my friend joins my squad.