CAS/Helicopters do not contribute to the objective, their focus is just to get kills.
In a start of a match, Helicopters meet very little SPAA/AA resistance since people only bring them out after people start using planes.
Light tanks already have next to no armor and they can’t flank adequately (their only purpose is to flank) if the sky is littered with air vehicles.
People with aircrafts/helicopters in their lineups do not care about objective, they care about revenge.
You can master tank tactics and strategies against other enemy tanks, you can’t do the same for air vehicles. You can hide, sure, but you won’t be able to help your team by hiding from air vehicles.
The maps are designed for ground battles, so there is no natural cover against air vehicles (only some mountains or tall trees).
I know its too much to remove CAS entirely, I wouldn't want that either, but there needs to be a limit. Especially after sales, there is far too many people in the air, not enough in the ground. CAS serves an important role in this game, but its extremely disingenuous to call it Ground Realistic Battles if half the people aren't in the ground actively playing objective.
Implementing this would change the dynamics for this game, people would not hide more, they would start participating more knowing that there is significantly a less chance to get killed from above. There would also be a benefit for CAS players as a limit in CAS/Helicopters would lead to less people playing SPAA/AA, which gives them an advantage they will need.