Level 100 players on low BR

That is really strange. Only solution might be he bought way to it with GE through real money.

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There are more “whales” than you could possibly imagine in this game (I know someone who spent 2 million golden eagles to get to the top tiers with a fresh account); a Tiger at level 7 is really insignificant compared to that.


Me who bought every German Premium ground vehicle except for two Copy Paste ones, has Object 279, IS-7, KV-220, Ba-11, PakPuma, TIS-MA, VT1-2, Excelsior, Sturmtiger, C2A1 Mexas etc. And has 90k GE for SL conversion to gamble on Lootboxes AND is currently slowly saving up 2000 GJN on the Market to get E100:



It’s nice to know those who spend money on this game even have a derogatory title : )

Eh, I carry it with honor and pride.


The thing is, most players have different perceptions of what low BR is.

Man, and I thought my spending habits with this game were bad… lmao

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I have a few myself ,in fact most German of WW2 ,I can waste just as much on a night out ,drinking eating or going to the cinema.I have nothing to show for my money either way.
Only time I regret spending is when Gaijin make me regret it by nerfing what I bought and messing with the fundamentals of the game that have been the same for years.

Anyway back on topic ,the whole Idea of so many at low level in high levels of the game and scoring high kind of makes this OP moot as a point.


That term is actually a lot older than War Thunder itself.

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which term?

Whales, it originated in Poker but mobile games mainstreamed the term.

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Yes you are right ,it s also and old investment banking term.

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I think you misread my comment.

I agree. But I have seen this “made an issue” in GFRB mostly and not in ARB if at all, which is what I was stating.

People at level 100 and very experienced at the various parts (say tanks or planes) do choose to play wherever they like and I do not see the problem. Not all level 100 at low BRs are “learning” said mode either.

Sorry, my reply wasn’t meant to go as a reply to your post. I probably misclicked.

I meant to reply the whole post in general.

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I don’t see how its even a thing,you have to start at 1 BR every time you begin a new nation,I play all of them and went in at level 100 for all but one.Had no choice.

Gaijin don’t see it as an issue and there is no protection for newbies and we have very low level players a high tier as whales.I’m certainly not going to cry over it or offer any apologies.

Every new BR becomes an apprenticeship and is a chance to get my butt kicked until I settle into it.A problem we have all had at some point probably.


You’re far more likely to run into a terrible player at low tier than a sealclubber, yeah it’s annoying but you’ll hopefully run into them only once.

I’d also like to point out that there are many older/disabled gamers who play War Thunder who may not have the ability to keep up with high tier. Yes they’re “sealclubbers” since they’re level 100, but it would be unfair to make them play at high tier just because they have more time spent in the game.

Is a full down tier not seal clubbing ? If it isn’t I don’t know what is.Maybe that is a message that Gaijin don’t care about seal clubbing and neither should you .

Lvl 100 doesnt mean anything. Most lvl100 players are bellow 1 KDR which essentially means they are BAD.
However there are decent players who prefer low and mid tier over top tier. Can’t blame them tho top tier is pretty much damage casino with afk campers and huge flat maps.

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I play at all BRs.This is just gatekeepers telling us what we must do.Seems like a lot have fled top tier and dropped down judging by the size of the teams in some games 😥