Lets talk about the state of Germany

the 1500hp engine is a completely different engine one is from Perkins and the other is from CAT
Gaijin are making an assumption on the engine in the test bed and final vehicle when nothing has been agreed.

Yak 141, Object 252, Bagel, XM8 all have systems, ammunition and weapon systems they could or would have used if entered production. Gaijin have take a source from a defence analyst 3 years ago and used it to nerf the already very mid CR3.

We are not comparing CR2 with Leopard 2. We are talking about why an experimental vehicle is getting scrutinised more than a Soviet, German or US prototype vehicle.

It’s a better assumption than saying it has 1500hp when it likely does not. Again, if there is no direct source to claim otherwise, then it’s not worth assuming that the CR3 and 3TD have different HP engines.

Regardless, what is the point of this? This thread isn’t about the Challenger or its issues; there is an entire thread dedicated to that. There’s no need to divert other threads.

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I want my PZH 2000 and I want it now


And we all agree

only if it gets SMArt rounds :D

Nah, DM121 with 15kg TNT is also enough

Would you care to elaborate on why not?

I wish Gaijin would finally fix the spikes on all vehicles. Then 90% of the rockets wouldn’t be lost.


Cause im not interested.

If i want to play with Sabra Tanks i can just wait for Gaijin to add them to Israel Tech tree.

If i want to fly with my F-4/16 i can just use my Us/Israel versions.

If i want to use A-129 Mangusta i can just grind Italien Tech tree.

Last but not least if i want to play with Altay Tank i prefer to use orijinal one, AKA K2 Black Panther.

Aside from some light vehicles and air defence systems Turkish Tech Tree does bring nothing new or special into the table, at least in my book.

So safe to say, i’ll pass.

I see your point and am not being argumentative, mind you. Just stating that I’d prefer it as it has quite a lot of light vehicles and unique mods that I’d like to see in the game, so I’d say agree to disagree.

Personal preferences can be different and i can respect that.

If majority wants it and Gaijin cares to listen and decides to add Turkish Tree then its compeletly fine in my book.

Its just not in my priority list, thats all.

Oh yeah, that’s totally understandable, and I agree with you! I think there’s a couple more tech trees to arrive before Turkiye, although from what I’ve seen, a considerable amount of people want it in the game. More want other tech trees first, so it’s safe to say it’ll be some time before we get it.

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He came too late

well that wont happen as only western vehicles use them xD

They changed the damage model on the Strv


What do you expect when one of the devs say its his favourite nation

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Both leos have the same thing, if you slightly move it on the 2a7V you get the same breach only shot what does this show?

If you pitch up the impact like you and i do here it result in a severe damage to both, raise it so the vehicle barrel is straight ahead and it result in just the breach being taken out with maybe a crew member.


Yes i fully expect this to be ignored and for the swedish bias to still be claimed but i dont see much of a difference when hit. Both vehicles have nearly identical results to being penned.

Breach mm difference seems to be slight based on 1-5° angle difference but after testing both results lead to simlar conclusion of vehicle deaths.

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Here’s a look at Leo 2s mantlet armor:

(This time it’s actually fine for public use since it’s from a book so no bonks for me, however it has also been dumbed somewhat and as such, a few details are missing).

To keep the long story short: it should be far better protected than it currently is in WT.


meanwhile russian breaches? STALINIUM!