Lets talk about the state of Germany

I just drove the Puma on the Dev Server.
It’s no better than the one on 10.0, in fact it’s worse, because it’s ranked on 10.7 by the spikes that don’t work. 👎🏻
This type of ATGM is the best in reality and the worst in the game. Gaijin should really start turning a hit into a kill and not this nonsense that’s currently programmed.
I hope they fix this error before they equip another vehicle with useless spikes.

3 shots at optimal distance and no penetration

Edit: I also have to say something positive, they have finally made better visors available as standard.


still no new jet(add a 9.0 prem shit)

not even a attacker so 100% useless thing

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So song about Germany op aircraft continues instantly

How is that useless?
It’s 9.0 and in rank 6, it wouldn’t get an airspawn to begin with.

it not a boomer or attacker so no it wont have airspawn and 2 AIM9B 4 bomb (2X1000KG 2X400KG) no countermeasures

and not even have ccip

just look at other nation only germ dont get a real jet(both top and lower)

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I kinde hoped that the F5E would be premium…

Respect for others, it’s made by the player, it’s a good piece, it’s just not the time.

With the current state the PUMA’s are in the first one should go back to 9.0 ( never should have been moved up in the first place it was fine at 9.0) and the new one should be 10.3. If they fix the hundreds of bugs and give the PUMA’s their proper armor values and make SPIKE’s not sh** then they can move them back up.


Any hope of having some top tier aircraft for this year? Like some early version of the Eurofighter?

Most likely a Swiss F/A-18C before we get a Eurofighter.

With JDAMs in the game now, we could hopefully get the Tornado ASSTA3 or SLE that could carry them in this update.
Lets hope that the vehicles on the dev server right now are not all of them.
Last dev server some vehicles came only in the second or third update of the Dev-server, like the AV-8B plus for US.

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yeah aint happening / highly doubt it

vehicles like the boxer or OSA are much more likely still to come

One can hope.
But I wouldn’t be surprised if Germany gets a new and shiny toy when it is rusty aka an update later (as always).
Or they just put them on the ASSTA1, ignoring their own standards (as usual).

Let us watch together how GB gets the Australian Boxer and Italy the Hungarian/Romanian? OSA before we get anything.
(Knowing Gaijin they could pull off this stunt)

But yeah, let’s hope the currently new vehicles aren’t all of them.


Which will unfortunately be the worst F-18 in game since it doesn’t have any (yes, none) ground attack ordnance

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The difference is enormous.
I really appreciate you trying to prove otherwise but the pixel hunting necessary on the Strv to find a spot that spalls similarly to the Germans ones is really obvious tbh.

Edit: 2A7V is indeed a bit more similar to the Strv, but try out the rest of the Leos.
This shot only gets the breech on the 2A7 and Strv:

This also affects the Finnish Leo.
The problem is that the Strv (and to some extend the 2A7) has a different and noticeably superiour damage model for the breech area.

They promised a rework some 9 months ago but I doubt it’s coming.