Implementation of swiss aircraft into the german tree

With now hints for 3 swiss aircraft (Hunter 1971, F-5E and F/A-18C) I want to discuss how swiss aircraft could be implemented.

I think personally that swiss aircraft should have their own line instead of being placed randomly throughout the german tree. Germany has enough space to clear the 4. line starting at rank 4 aswell. The most logical option would be to move some german aircraft to make space for the new swiss aircrafts.

My suggestion:

  • Both the Jabo and the Pulkzerstörer should be bundled up and placed at tier 5. The Pulkzerstörer being tier 4 doesn’t really make sense because all jets are tier 5.
  • The F-84F should move to rank 5 aswell. It would get the airspawn back and it makes more sense that a 8.3 plane is at rank 5 instead of rank 6
  • Both the Tornado and Su-22 can move to the bomber line. But they could move or stay at the 3rd line aswell.
  • Su-22 should be a bundle because they are to similar to be researched twice.

Additional german aircraft still to add for the 3rd or 5th line:

  • another alpha jet variant (3rd line rank 6 or 7)
  • RF-4E (5th line at rank 7)
  • L-39 (3rd line at rank 6)
  • Panavia Tornado IDS SLE
  • Panavia Tornado Assta 3.1

The third and fourth lines of the air tree in Germany are chaotic

They are mainly multi-purpose fighters and attackers

Consider first the combat use, and secondly the manufacturer:



Consider first the manufacture, and secondlyr the combat use:

This is my thoughts, welcome to discuss

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I would love to see the Swiss tech tree the exact way they did it for South Africa or lately Belgium/Netherlands. Separate, starting from scratch as no aircraft was „standard“ out of the box.

Up and until Bf109E4 which is the last existing standard plane, copy&paste, or better just reskin it. The BF110-G4 Nachtjäger does not yet exist. So new aircraft in WT
Venom, Vampire, Hunter, Mirage IIIS/RS/DS, F-5E, Hawk Mk66 and F-18C/D are all heavily modified Swiss variants which, if you want to follow the P-16 road, they deserve their uniqueness, like IRL.

Same will applies to the ground tree, if it is every going to see light, due to their uniqueness of the vehicles, please separate.

Much prefer OP’s suggestion. Why:
Combining 3rd and 4th line props at ranks 1 and 2 is tricky. The Ju-87s are dive bombers while the 110s are multirole fighters and interceptors, same with the 410s. I’d sooner bring those aircraft over to line 3 than the other way around. The Ju 88 can bump up to Rank I, the 410s can move over to line 3 joining folders as needed, the 335s can move over or even go to line 2, and the 190F-8 can return to a folder with the A-8.
As for jets, I again think OP’s suggestion is better, plus I’ve already explained my thoughts on removing line 3 instead of 2. The biggest problem I have is the G.91, which absolutely should not move to line 2. That’s the East German line, if it moves it’d be to line 1 preceding the CL-13s.

@Chris4win On the L-39, I doubt it’d be Rank VI cause it’s like an 8.3 tops vehicle, it’s worse than the Alpha Jet except for a pair of R-3S. Kinda like an F9F or the Sea Hawk.


my bad

No it’snot your bad just mypersonal opinion

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Sadly I don’t think we’ll see the L-39 for Germany. The L-39ZA is the one with the internal gun, but Germany used the L-39ZO, which is exactly the same but without the internal gun, only bombs, rockets and the R-3S.

Germany has no good top Tier Jet it would make the most sense if the Austrian and Swiss tech trees were implemented in the German one.

Not sure about Austria, as the have Eurofighter like Germany too and before that they had some Tiger rented from Switzerland

Did it not have gunpods? I thought only the C couldn’t carry a cannon.

I’ve never seen one armed with gun pods, but it’s possible I suppose.