Lets talk about the state of Germany

luque for the love of god what do you have against german mains specifically? we bug report a vehicle cuz its broken and we are in the wrong holy crap dude what do you want? its getting pretty annoying that ur comming in here just to dizz at the fact that we are bug reporting a bug suprise suprise, live and let live

Don’t tell people what to do in a video game?

Maybe they don’t have time(or money) to grind out another nation.

I have no issues, just want some players to have some perspective. Your 2A7 missing 100mm of armour will improve it maybe 5% it’s already an incredible tank.

Gaijin should be spending time to fix unplayable vehicles. Like the Leclerc like the CR2 like others that are massively underperforming due to broken armour models/mobility and firepower.

Considering how small Gaijins team are it’s frustrating when they purely focus their energy on the “big 3”

I just want a fun balanced game and currently we don’t have that.

(please don’t reply to this with “I can play what I like” “Or the Swedish Leopard is the same but has the 100mm more armour”

As you said live and let live

-Goes into thread talking about German vehicles

-people are talking about German vehicles



You focus on getting your vehicles fixed, we’ll focus on ours.

Now piss off…


Only one of our nations will get their vehicles fixed and that’s the problem

I don’t know about the CR2, but the Leclerc is far from “unplayable.” Sure, it’s not my best tank in terms of KD, but it’s far from the worst. Maybe the UK should have just made better tanks, and they would perform better in WT. Then again, I haven’t played the CR2 so I don’t feel I can comment on its performance (CR1 is good tho).


the 2A7 its missing armor cuz of a bug report, it seems to be bothering you that a bug its getting bug reported the balance factor isnt having to do anything here as gaijin has stated before to this being a bug, gaijin will fix what has in his priorities, we know this isnt gonna get fixed in only 1 or 2 weeks its gonna take months, what bothers me is that you come and start complaining that we are bug reporting the 2A7V, we arent pressuring the devs in any way to fix it we are just sharing the lack of correct work in the modeling of the 2A7V.


if you wanna get your vehicles fixed ask for an update with the staff member on the bug report and try to check how is it going, it normally takes a lot of time

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They close them down the last fix for the CR2 was to increase the weight of each tank by a few tonnes but no increase to the add on armour, and nerf the mobility. For the CR3 and the spall liner they removed it and nerfed the 1500hp engine to 1200hp.

Gaijin seems to hate France, Britain and Japan.

You are right though it’s not the fault of you guys I hope they fix all the vehicles! :)

the CR3 didnt have the 1500 engine and it was demonstrated numerous times, as for the weight idk about that one ask the guy who had it, as for the CR3 spall liners, that was mostly an artificial buff cuz there is no proof the CR3 has spall liners altough they should’ve kept them
japan had a case of internal corruption with the guy who suggested the armor for the type 10 and a lot of other stuff, the leclerc was a similar case but with the additional missinformation caused

Well, the CR3 should had never got the 1500hp in game because it never had it IRL

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There is a difference between a buff and a fix; not every fix is a buff. If the CR3 only has 1200hp, then it only has 1200hp. It’s still a fix. I’m not sure why you are using that as an example?

If you want vehicles to be fixed, then report it; it will (eventually) be fixed. If you think Leos or other MBTs are overperforming, make a report to have them fixed.


sadly yeah even nicholas drummond and the fabricants stated that the engine was gonna be kept at 1200 to keep a longer lifespan for the engine

prolly GERmany

we are in process of guessing the tanks and/or nation

CR3 TD is the demonstrator it could have the 1500 engine
The brief and the specification note engine “improvements” and a speed of 60kph. If they were planning on not improving the powerpack why list it as a requirement? Many other vehicles get the benefit of the doubt. Yak 141…has a Radar it didn’t have a Radar, just the proposed Radar.

Nicholas Drummond’s comments shouldn’t be taken as verbatim, I think we all see what is happening in Ukraine with CR2 performance it would be inconceivable to not upgrade the power pack to give the tank much needed mobility.

Drummond has always been a Leopard 2 supporter and does downplay the merits of the CR3

The difference is that there is a good, valid source showing the engine HP is wrong. Engine improvements are not limited to increasing HP output; they can also involve power generation, efficiency, noise, heat output, and more. Claiming that engine improvements equal more HP is valid until a source provides more details, which is exactly what happened.

Because the Challys also suck IRL, Orbwjy do you thing so many other nations wants then?
Luckly no one is buying the Leos because they suck, oh wait, like half Nato is buying/using then