It was not.
Ah yes Gaijin’s incompetent at its finest.
Leo still not get fix
He is not wrong though he is talking about his bug report they fr ignored it bc no one came and label it as fixed nor explained to him that it was changed they also never mentioned the changes in patch notes so he have a point he was kinda of ignored
They didn’t ignored it, probably they changed it and forgot to apply that they fixed it, they do it like that on other bug reports as well
Most likely humans do mistakes in the end
But ngl although the weight got reduced and the maximum speed was increased, but 600hp is not enough just played a couple of games with it if feels more sluggish now but it still do the job
well now they could bring it back to 8.7
with the reduced hp …
well that was my mistake I was looking over the changelog notes and they made no mention of it . Unless I was blind in my reading of it.
Idk man, it still slaps even at 9.3 maybe 9.0 but it’s great just like the type 89 love that thing. Though the bagel now just feels like a slightly faster cv9030 with better weapons lol. Which is sad cause now i cant be as aggressive with my speed but still not the worst 9.3 light tank. Heres to hoping they change the weight like they did with the ags. (Still waiting for the 50 hp more its supposed to have gaijin)
It can stay at 9.3 but they need to move 10.0+ all up by a .3 of a BR , not sure why during their last decompression they left 10.0-10.3 alone and did not move all those vehicles up by .3 of a br as well .
Its a silly AF and unablanced for the former 9.0s to now be 9.3 and face Abrams,2a4s and t-80s which are in another ballpark in terms of performance . You essentially have glass cannon early cold war tanks facing heavily armored modern mbts that run circles around them in every criteria.
ye but still gaijin and german com are on the edge the amount of stealth nerfs and other shit is getting more then just frustrating…
Bro you literally have the second best top tier line up right now and cry about a turret ring, jesus.
what ?
First would be sweden after that probably russia then germany and USA both holding the 3 place probably
Who are you again? Right, some rando who comes in and basically tells me I’ve no right to complain about the vehicle being inaccurate, because from his point-of-view I have the “2nd best line-up”.
Can man not complain about inaccuracies
Can i complain about the Gripens radar being wrong or am i not allowed as the plane is good
Of course he can, but he does it in a way like it’s absolutely game breaking and the snail malicously does it on purpose, while having the best tanks and winrates germany ever had at the moment…
Ok why do you care how he says it
I sympathise with some see their nations tank be butchered
there’s a hole in ALL of our top tier tanks and you want us to not complain?
lemme put this in perspective to you, imagine your tank didnt had the turret ring as a weakspot before since in real life it didnt had such weakspot, then suddenly gaijin claims the turret ring its magically exposed and not only that but easy to shoot at all of the sudden, making it an artificial weakspot. Yeah we are not talking about lineups here you can stop complaining about something we arent even talking about. We are talking about a turret that is not even attached to the hull because its floating, its called trying to fix a bug.
Well I deleted my first respone by mistake, so here’s a second.
The floating turrets were already an issue back in the day (2019 - 2022), fixed for a moment and then slightly raised (okay, sure) to prevent the wedges from clipping into the turret optics… now a year after that, they straight up raise the turret to such a point, that the internal turret ring is fully exposed, we’ve completed a full circle and went back to 2A5s release state with how exposed the turret ring is now.
I’m fully justified in thinking & acting this way. 2A5 is a 5 year old MBT in WT, yet it still has to suffer because the devs cannot be bothered to properly model the turret bottom? Right.
It also affects more than just the 2A5, as all the vehicles based on it (i.e all Strv 122s) now as well have the exposed inner ring, whats more, this type of modelling error has been in the game ever since 2A5 was added 5 years ago, you’d think the devs would finally model it properly for the latest addition… nope, they didn’t, and on top of that they just break the 2A5, again.