Lets talk about the state of Germany

Aha, I see now.
Thank you!

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As David Bowie said that Begleit could not use a TAM engine because it uses a Marder gearbox, I would like to make one last clarification on this topic, carried out in a totally capricious manner by gaijin.
The engine of the Marder and the TAM are practically the same.
The Ka-500 has an intercooler and slightly less compression, 2200 vs 2400 max rpm, maximum torque at 1600 vs 1900 rpm.

With this data it can be concluded that the block, crankshaft, pistons, cylinders and connecting rods are the same. They only change the cylinder heads, as they have different compressions, they lower the compression and increase the power.
You get that 20% more power with the 2 intercoolers, one in each turbo per manifold.
Both the marder and the TAM have engines with two turbos per engine. Do not confuse that it has two turbos with a biturbo engine.

Begleit could easily have the TAM engine and the Marder gearbox. The source Gaijin provides for the nerf is anachronistic from other sources and the mods’ arguments are ridiculous.


seriously gaijin really depends on artificially nerfing germany just so other nation mains dont cry that germany its too op im so done about that


It isn’t artificial though? It’s the manufacturer’s document; a primary source.
It’s a document you clearly disagree with at this time, not artificial though.

didnt you read dude, the issue was caused because of a missread, they didnt read correctly that the engine that was supossed to be equipped was on a marder hull and instead the TAM hull with the new engine was used for the begleit


They know its a TAM hull, but for some reason they think it was a prototype TAM with a 600 HP engine, the only source of which even existing is Janes.

And btw, the 28.5 tons are just as doubtful as the 600 HP, after all even the base A1 marder is over 29 tons, so I cant see how adding a LARGER weapon system decreases weight.


yeah they are using secondary sources wich are not giving the full information about the project in order to say “yeah here it said it has 600 HP” when in the secondary source they dont refer exactly to the TAM having 600 HP they refered to the prototype that was supossed to be built in a Marder hull was instead build in a TAM hull


"First of all, the developers don’t consider Jane’s yearbook as a source.

So why is International Defense Review considered a source? Because it was published by a different company than Jane’s, Interavia SA."

This is what I was told.

Yeah how convenient to claim Janes “year book” cant be used as a source but it has more detailed information on the vehicles then IDR does. Hell IDR does not mention anything on the vehicle aside from its first public showing in November 1977

If you do a little bit of searching you can find various different sources around that time period mentioning the TAM using the HSWL194 with the MB833KA 500 MTU, which according to the mods should not be possible so the Begleitpanzer 57 clearly could not have had the MB833KA 500 MTU.
Now I don’t know much about the MTUs, not claiming to be a expert when it comes to engines/transmisisons but I saw no info from what little bit of searching I did that states the MB833KA 500 MTU cannot be used with the HSWL 194 transmission.

Clearly multiple sources mentioning the same thing must be wrong , vehicles specifications never change between their trial periods/prototype stages.

What i find funny the IDR that gajin considers as more of a source then Janes talks about the Begleitpanzers 57 chassis as having firing ports like its found on the marder …lol
Wonder where IDR got that idea from ? Could not possibly be based on the original blueprints or konzept design of the vehicle that was never built . Maybe the IDR defense publishers were basing their info on old information or too stupid to look at the pictures and realize that the vehicle is in fact using the TAM chassis and not the Marder chassis .
But to no ones surprise publications from Janes clearly outline that well the prototype that was built and completed never had the firing ports or rear troop hatches fitted since it was based on the TAM/VCTP.

Their reason for this adjustment/change is poor and lacks any sense when you look at all the information that’s out there. I am not claiming the 2 actual documents that could be considering primary sources are wrong but they are clearly based on a earlier concept of the vehicle then was built and tested .


It’s honestly insane how some people can quickly skim through a document, assert they are correct, and dismiss others, while some invest sincere efforts in thoroughly reading, comprehending, and conveying information. Despite the dedication of those who spend four to six hours consulting various sources, their insights are instantly dismissed by those who believe their brief five-minute reading trumps the depth of understanding acquired through extensive research.

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@Smin1080p can we get some insight on why the devs want to nerf the Bagel despite the overwhelming evidence that it it shouldn’t


No need to ask smin, the devs feel like the German players have been too complacent with the bagel being in a good place and have brought out the nerf sledgehammer again

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Hell no, they denied manufacturer stuff so often in the past


Real 2A7 vs Gaijin’s 2A7… and Vladuxa kept telling us the turret’s at a correct height, but the real 2A7s turret ring isn’t visible at all, lol.


clearly this is a fake pictue /s
everyone knows leopards have floating turrets /s

Not in the slightest your big target, easy to spot, your missiles are complete garbage thanks to Gaijin, you can’t pen anything frontaly not to mention that the gun is extremely inaccurate, you have speed well good luck every thing is as fast as you if even faster and now where are about to lose more speed and acceleration

bruh the bagel is one of the best vehicles for its be in the game you just have massive skill issue

I thought I was reading a 2S38 rant, but then I remembered the 2S38 doesn’t have missiles and we’re in Germany’s topic.

I aced that thing and no it’s not the best the only thing that you are really good at is being a good SPAA bc of the HE-VT, mobility wise it’s not something special, gun good luck doing anything with it plus at open maps your most certainly doomed, ATGMs the Shturm-S have better ones at 8.7 plus you have to expose your self to fire them, armour well i don’t think we have this, lrf well everyone have theis, thermals same everyone have this, stab same everyone have this so in what exactly the begleitpanzer consider the best tank

the begleit panzer its really good just requires skill but if you remove the only thing it has going for as its main weapon, its mobility, its just kind of gonna get crippled specially with the fact that it already struggles to accelerate now its gonna be worse to get out of bad situations