According to gaijin’s secret dokuments, I should make a suggestion for a “stage 1” TAM without a stabilizer, with a marder motor and apds that could be in 8.0/8.3.
And another suggestion for TAM “stage 4” with 830hp leopard 1 engine and 120mm cannon, with armor that resists 40mm cannons probably at 9.7.
(of course, I’m being ironic but hey… so says the snail source).
yes, put three Heer panzergrenadiers back there, sitting on top of the TOWs lol.
Surely they already got a replacement for the old Begleit in 9.3 and will lower it to 9.0 where there is no line-up. That’s how it works.
After talking to David Bowie a bit more i was also told that Janes is not considered a valid secondary source by the devs (kinda BS but ok) …but IDR is because it was published by a different company than Jane’s, Interavia SA.
Furthermore I was told that the transmission being used on the Begleitpanzer 57 the HSWL-194 planetary with 4 speeds both forwards and reverse would not be compatible with the 720hp engine used on the production TAM/VCTP, because they use the HSWL 204. I cant recall ever reading anywhere that that the HSWL-194 transmission has compatibility issues with the MB 833 Ka-500 engine used on the TAM/VCTP.
Not much I can argue there without further sources that may provide proof that the MB833 Ka-500 engine/MTU is compatible with the HSWL-194 transmission and it would explain why some of the secondary sources show varying hp output of 710 instead of 720 .
To be fair it being 9.3 would be fine, the problem is the devs coincidentally forgot to move the vehicles sitting at 10.0-10.3 up .3 of a BR. It absolutely retarded that we now have leopard 1s,xm1 and amx30s facing late cold war tanks like the Abrams,t-80 and 2a4s. 90% of 9.3 games from my exp are uptiers into 10.3, its terrible .
I pretty much stopped playing my favorite BR range because of their stupid unbalanced change, how convenient they also introduced 10.3 premiums that totally had nothing to do with them forgetting to raise the the 10.3 vehicles .3 of a BR . God forbid we have decompression that makes logical sense .
Many IFVs lack their ATGM loaders which were the infantry that accompanies the vehicle.
Marder’s MILANs are loaded by the invisible hand. [Bradley’s probably a better example.]
At least Begleit has the excuse of an autoloader.
This error is very common in the world of engines when the power of an engine is designated in CV and HP.
irl >>>> 710hp = 720cv (that is, 710hp is equal to 720cv)
Many sources usually mix HP and CV interchangeably and in this case, the MTU usually appears in 720hp and 720cv, according to different sources. Maybe they just passed CV to HP and 720 became 710…
Ufffff, I’ll try to find out something about the transmission. So much problem with the source and the engine, but they do not reduce the weight of the vehicle. Also, no one understands why they limit the maximum speed to 70km/h.
I’m not a friend of Jane’s either, but Wolfgang Schneider…? anyway.
No one can say for sure that is the issue, multiple sources suggest its using the same MTU as the TAM/VCTP. Sources going well in to the early/mid 80s claim its 720hp which implies it probably had the same MTU as the TAM (possibly upgraded at some point?) which would make sense as every single production vehicle of the TAM/VCTP all use the 720hp engine. Yes the transmission mentioned in sources show the HSWL 194 being used but the engine is claimed to be the MB833 Ka 500 so there clearly are inconsistencies and no one aside from the people who were involved in the project probably know which is true. .
I don’t see what harm it would cause leaving the 720hp power output, its inconclusive based on all the sources. Considering it sits at 9.3 where 80% of its games are against 10.3 vehicles it needs all the mobility it can get .