Lets talk about the state of Germany

No one can say for sure that is the issue, multiple sources suggest its using the same MTU as the TAM/VCTP. Sources going well in to the early/mid 80s claim its 720hp which implies it probably had the same MTU as the TAM (possibly upgraded at some point?) which would make sense as every single production vehicle of the TAM/VCTP all use the 720hp engine. Yes the transmission mentioned in sources show the HSWL 194 being used but the engine is claimed to be the MB833 Ka 500 so there clearly are inconsistencies and no one aside from the people who were involved in the project probably know which is true. .

I don’t see what harm it would cause leaving the 720hp power output, its inconclusive based on all the sources. Considering it sits at 9.3 where 80% of its games are against 10.3 vehicles it needs all the mobility it can get .


@Smin1080p regarding the Begleits engine power, is this intentional or just a mishap from copying the transmission over from the TAM?


Still can’t until this day

I am going insane or the gun in this picture looks way different than in the other pictures

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its mainly because of the quality and cuz its in black and white, also the newer pictures having a colored gun instead

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Possibly but i can see a huge difference here

As if the gun breech was completely changed at some point

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its more like this specific part, the lower part its present on the newer photos

isn’t that some sort of sheath that goes over that portion of the cannon?

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Even the part under it looks way bigger than in other pictures

not really looks the same size

Idk it looks bigger from my perspective

Don’t think so more as if the part get wrapped with metal covering

if you notice its not really much bigger, it looks more like a metal sheet covering the breach that’s it, if you watch closely is not longer either

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Makes more sense bc it really looks as if the whole gun got reinforced with a metal covering

I do hope you realize this picture is nothing but a scale model made by a hobbyist and not a actual historical picture of the Begleitpanzer lol 😅


Ooooo no wonder the gun looked weird

Oh well shit, i used that picture in my HWS report 😅

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Not if this is saying “this currently has a 600hp engine and we will install the helicopter sensor later” Did is say the 600hp engine as a future addition anywhere?

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Yeah I’m inclined to agree there is enonugh support on the 720hp, even if maybe the specific vevrsion gajin wasn’t to represtend might have had a 600, certainly it seems pretty clear a 720hp engine was fitted at some point


Begleit with this change will now be as fast as 2S38.
Both taking ~15 seconds to hit 50kph non-crewed.
A 3 second hit from the ~12 seconds Begleit is currently with the 720hp engine.

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