Lets talk about the state of Germany


2 NR-30 cannons with 80 shells each and external loads up to 4000 kg in various variants as well as 2 R60 close combat missiles or variants with cannon nacelles, guided missiles and unguided rockets

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thanks but…
this isnt exactly what i was looking for, eitherways, just the left over issues with the 22 now

The GDR NVA museum can’t confirm that the German SU-22M4 had it

the weird pod thing?
or the 500Kr?

the Kab-500Kr

fair, but im asking as a capability based addition
i can get a max of 14km range with the FAB-500 in CCRP (6000m, mach 1) but we need longer range strikes against pantsirs

On the topic of the Su-22M4, has anyone bug reported the horribly low quality skin of it compared to the Su-22UM3K?

i thought it was just my low texture setting lol,
speaking of bugs, they still havent fixed the forbidden loadout bug

Even with the Ultra HD textures downloaded it looks like this…

idk it might just be me but it looks fine?

The Su-22UM3K for comparison

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ah i see it now, the wings are high quality as theyre shared between the um3k and the m4, but the fuselage is low quality on the m4

Even the wings are just as low quality as the rest of the skin on the 22M4

Yes, I checked the texture files a while ago, they are much lower resolution than the UM3K. I am traveling for the next few days but I will report it when I get home.

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from what we tested it seems to have been fixed

Thank you very much

From the archives, aircraft considered for the Jagdflugzeug 90 program (what eventually became Eurofighter) ;))))


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S-300PMU - Purchased by East Germany, Inspected by West Germany, returned after one year and some 10 months.
