Lets talk about the state of Germany

Every update the same drama, why?

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thank you very much have a nice day

issues with vehicles comming out incomplete as Smin stated before the new MUSS should be able to react to missiles and indeed they do react to missiles but only when they are 250 meters away from your vehicle wich means it has not enough reaction time to do anything about them, they should be able to react from kilometers away because it dosent use a radar but IR sensors, and also there is an issue with current PUMA S1/VJTF not having this system working at the moment since they copy pasted the OG PUMA system without putting the new one cuz they forgot

I understand, thx for clearing that point.
But not only this model is finished.

This patch is no MMP than and so the others was.
And this is sad and disapointing

sadly yeah the patch was really tiny and not much was brought tbh

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In GRB the Alpha Jet is far, far better than the 1000lb only Tornados. You are very small and maneuverable. With CCIP’ed 250kg bomb drops you can pinpoint kill tanks and with CCIP’ed rocket pods you can snipe SPAAs and lights. A mixed loadout is boss. You can fly in so low, it works quite well.

The Nados however are unsteerable. I find it rather hard to bring these 1000lb bombs into target. By the time you spot the pixel tanks without target pods, you’re already too close to maneuver this brick to line up the bomb drop. Also Tornado is huge and emits a huge IR profile: Stinger units can lock you from 6 km away and thats already it. Alpha jet is like the A4 Skyhawks…small and nimble. Low heat profile…IR missile won’t lock that well and if you see one incoming you drop some CMs and its ok. If you’re in a Tornado its outright impossible to flare a Stinger or Strela.

Lets not talk about ARB, the Tornados are outright unplayable in air modes. Too slow to reach the bases before others do and useless in any air engagement. Impossible fly against F-14 / F-16 etc. Tornado even became worse as the introduced this bomb drop limit of 1000 km/h. So you can’t even play the speed card anymore. Im getting even killed by tank main guns when I try to move this huge bus with just 800-900 km/h over any ground RB battlefield.

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I agree. At this point its just a larp plane for carpet bombing to get 180 SL “Hits.”
They’ve kind of made it better by adding the insane amount of chaff, but those don’t effect Stingers like you’ve mentioned.
Still a dope plane, (the reverse thrust actually made me buy it its so dope), but its hardly playable now.
They haven’t been able to make the MAIN weapons, the Komoran missiles work :/
AND even if they did, they would be unusable since there’s no ships in Air RB or Ground RB

No it is a problem with the model.
Now the hitbox is just floating above the actual plate which it doesn’t on the Strv.

They also didn’t fix the bug on the PSO.

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Puma VJTF has now also the new MUSS, its also live allready bzt is still set to the 250m akaa to late


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I love how it’s literally a single line of code change but we’re probably never gonna get it without perfect documentation on the exact range…


well,we have the numbers but cant use it because then we would have big issues with the MOD

Yesterday i check seem upper UFP of 2A7V seem to be stronger in armor analysis
Weird that don’t apply on 2A7 HU

Wait they didn’t fix it on the HU???

No. There is a report open about it: Leopard 2A7Vs mantlet DM issue: less protection than 2A7HUs. // Gaijin.net // Issues

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He was talking about the UFP I think

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You’re correct, I fat fingered, this is the correct report: Leopard 2A7HU UFP discrepancy with Leopard 2A7V UFP // Gaijin.net // Issues

Does anyone know what this pre-sale GDR Su-22M4 is carrying behind the gun?


Can you circle where you mean? Probably just an ECM pod or something.


the thing in blue.
its not the KH-23 missile guidance radio pod cuz thats smaller and its not the ECM pod cuz that looks waay different

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Not sure, but it look very similar to a S-8KO rocket pod