Lets talk about the state of Germany

Whats crazier is it ISNT the puma s1 with MUSS 2 that would actually be useful against top tier choppers.

The armor that WAS great at 8.3 is useless against even atgms at 10.7, its only useful against autocannons and only frontally.

AHEAD is still busted and why would you take 100 of your only 400 rounds and turn it into trash. The puma despite not having any infantry only gets to carry 100 more rounds than the bradley gets in one single belt.

But on the bright side it means we WILL get the puma s1 3 years down the road. And we will be getting swiss tanks 5 years down the road.


this is the PUMA S1 there has been running the missinformation that this is the PUMA VJTF wich is just the name of the squad the PUMA is in, when in reallity the PUMA VJTF its just a PUMA S1


MUSS 2 is on no service Puma, dunno where that misconception even comes from honestly.

The first time we saw a MUSS 2.0 on a Puma was this summer on the Eurosatory 2024, and is nowhere near close realy being operational and in service

if it isnt russian, its armor missiles wont matter.

Oh that is incredibly stupid. Why would gaijin name it like that. Itd be like calling the m4a1 the “m4a1 6th battalion” Thanks for correcting me. Almost thought we might actually get something better later on.

someone has been spreading this around without checking their sources or where they get the info from dw

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Not on an expert on muss so didnt know if it was on any pumas or not.

But does that really matter, this is war thunder. Gaijin gives tanks and planes weapons and features they never had for the sake of so called ‘balance’ and denies weapons and features for vehicles that did have them. I dont see why muss 2 wouldnt fall into the category of actually making the puma s1 balanced at 10.7 facing the t90m, m1a2 sepv2 tusk v2, and the worst CAS in the game.


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Germany in War Thunder is still bad:
it still lacks modern aircraft and attractive vehicles,
and there are many issues to be addressed
(still suggested or considered).

We thought we’d get some new vehicle or fix to solve some of the German problems,
but always disappointing.


For Germany Gaijin usually wants everything to be spotless. Not a single screw removed or added without proper documentation


The armor SHOULD still be great.
It’s just massively underperforming.
The hull front should be 50mm instead of 15 and the ERA should be close to 100mm KE on its own instead of a pathetic 5mm.


Do you mean the base armor thickness, the LFP, or the UFP?

Hopefully theres public documents on that because that would help against the 2s38 and hstvl. Then again why would gaijin do anything to fix the puma that has been bugged since launch. We disnt even get ‘fixed’ AHEAD until they wanted to buff a chinese spaa while keeping it the same br as the gepard.

There are, but they were denied because manufacturer sources don’t count for german vehicles


Does someone have more ideas for missing german cas jet aircraft or jet-bombers?

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Well your forgetting one simple oversight. NATO era is incapable of any KE protection, glorious Russia is the only country capable of developing meaningful era.

Asking for better NATO ERA is asking to be let down. Its unfortunate.



Tornado IDS SLE. Which I think is an ASSTA3.1 standard. It has all sorts of guided weapons like JDAMS, Paveways, But also Glidebombs and ir can carry AGM88s (which would be useless)


Not realy. The glidebombs were prototypes that never left that stage.
There is no glide bombs in the official armament

The ASSTA1 can already carry AGM-88 HARMs

The marine ids can already do that xD