Lets talk about the state of Germany

What do these changes mean in update

Marder A1, Marder A3, DF105, FlaRakPz 1, Begleitpanzer 57, TAM, TAM 2C, TAM 2IP - gear ratios have been changed.

someone knows? nerf or buff? I couldn’t enter the game these days.



Uhhh i was browsing through the old forum looking for the Leopard 2A6EX but i cannot open none of the suggestions. Shouldn’t we make the suggestions again in this new forum?

@FurinaBestArchon made one already, i think he posted it in the thread already

I cant find it. It is not on the list of previously suggested ideas

nvm my mystake he made one for the leopard2A6E3

sorry ._.

As a sidenote, is it just me or are now the ZSU-37 and ZSU-23 far more dangerous than the Gepard or any other 35mm Oerlikon AA now? I´ve had now several instances where I was presumably out of range (4-5km) for them but still got damaged. Has there something been changed in the last patch with the radars? If thats the case the Gepard is now even more worthless than before without its AHEAD ammo.

Gepard cant program ahead ammo and never has used ahead ammo, only the latest 35 mm can use AHEAD, and idk i havent feel like they are deadly whatsoever

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Actually every Gepard could fire AHEAD its just a slight mod mainly to the Muzzlebreak and Computers wich as i understood can be done in a day.
And they are not deadly ingame because they dont work as they should.
IRL it would be a tungsten pellet cloud that would explode befor the target ingame it just hits the target with the whole round.

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well no gepard has that mod yet that i know

No that is true as i also have not seen one yet but as i said every 35mm Oerlikon can have it.


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yes every oerlikon can have it but as much as i would like to see a gepard with functioning ahead, i doubt we will ever see it, especially since germany is replacing their gepards for the new Skyranger 30

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Sir this is the German thread of course you’ll find people talking about the issue with vehicles in the German TT here.

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now resuming to the theme of conversation, i want skyranger 30 in-game because Ahead and 1200 RPM apfsds shooter would be funny

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Soon™… cant wait for a lav-ad on steroids

Finally we liberated the creek

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Low effort troll.

Just leave already

@Pacifica troll in our thread he thinks he is funny


No, legit, i was playing silly games on the Forum and i got banned for a week.
Could not believe it.

Fixed it for you…

So… either play silly games and find out what happens ? or stop trolling…