Lets talk about the state of Germany

Ah, that’d explain it pretty well.
Thank you.

yeah noticeable becasue of the muzzle thingy at the tip that i dont even know what it is or what is it for but that i’ve noticed with a lot of naval autocannons

flash hider

well that we can both agree on.

even if it is a bug, that means that it would happen to all tanks and thus effect performance if removed from only some right?
of course the aim would be to fix that bug but in the meantime those tanks who got spalling removed from outer layers would be buffed compared to those who didn’t.

I don’t have the resources to make a proper bug report, but the Begleitpanzer 57 has thermals. The VT1-2 Doesn’t. They have the same gunner sight, the Peri-R 12, clearly the same on both. So either the Begleitpanzer doesn’t have thermals, or the vt1-2 does. Can somebody make a bug report about this? I’m not the best with them. It’s the same sight on the Leo 1A5, I believe.

Ok, nevermind.

we need new CAS
ADD F-4F-KWS-LA for germany? - Machinery of War Discussion / Aircraft - War Thunder — official forum

they dont have the same gunner sight…

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Oh wait, Nevermind, it’s the sight from the 1a4/2k.

The Begleitpanzer does not the Peri R-12, nor does the Leo 1A5. The PERI R-12 is usually the commander optic on the vehicles that use it (Leopard 2 variants up to the 2A4, as well as the 1A4, yes)

The VT1-2 is the only that employs it as gunner sight because of its special design

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And the 2AV, and PT-16/T14 mod.

mentioned Leopard 2 variants

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I can no longer stay quiet, the devs are ATROCIOUS. This is either prime incompetency or straight up malice on their part.

You can see the INNER turret ring on the Leopard 2A5 now!


@Smin1080p was this intended? Its not mentioned in the changelog

Actual Leopard 2 “gap” (real life - raises only at the front to make space, this is not modelled in WT due to the usage of outdated models) where the turret ring is not visible versus Gaijin’s Leopard 2 - > exposed turret turret.

edit: it’s not modelled on the newest additions either, so it’s a universal issue dating back to 2019…


Made a report, but i’m not expecting anything…



Theyre gonna say the 2A7 isnt a 2A5 and close the bug report. Heres a 2A5 where you can see the turret sits flush with the hull instead of floating like it does in-game:

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expected nothing less then another few nerfs for germany
The devs never disappoint me in that regard

So we got the engine power nerf for the Bagel, gunhandling nerf for the PUMA and turret ring height nerf for the Leopard 2A5. Just amazing…


i didnt even hear about the handling nerf on the puma

Triple nerf this update for germany lmao how obvious can they make it they hate germany

Went from 60/60 (60 vertical and 60 horizontal) to 45/45. I guess they atleast fixed the mass of its APFSDS…

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