Lets talk about the state of Germany

and you don’t even have german vehicles. You shouldn’t talk about german vehicles aswell. Your view is one-sided aswell

I admit that. I do not like playing the US, Germany, Russia or Sweden. I did play plenty of the US to learn the basics though.

Then stop posting off-topic in this thread. The titel is literally “Lets talk about the state of germany”

German ground very good yeah
issues with new leo
you are the one making it off topic

I didn’t start talking about another players stats and european canadian. I made a comment above about the leo which is a german vehicle.
But doesn’t matter know. Back to the topic

I noticed that my puma thread about the still not working ahead was closed in august for some reason. Bet gaijin still didn’t fix it when they add the skyranger. If they are unable to get ahead to work, they should make it he-vt.
(PUMA is now more than a year in War thunder and there is still no working AHEAD)



theyre incredibly powerful shrug

I did such offers in that theme:

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Do you by any chance have image of calculation?


Why is the ammunition in the case stacked from bottom to top, and not from top to bottom? If we stack it from top to bottom, then we will be able to take more ammunition and put it in a more armored place. It’s not difficult to do this, but now you can be calm about the BC in the case when using 50-80% of the ammunition. You don’t even need any documents here.

Dude, this was a prototype of Vilkas. Picture of testing its configuration.

And? All i said was that it was the most creative and interesting camo scheme i could find on a vilkas.

Yeah alright whatever :DD

Least whining US main XD


look what the forum suggested to me XD

I am dead XD

im more annoyed my tanks spall liners are only at the front and not the sides

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why am I grinding that nation again?
AH ZTZ99A now I remember!


Spall liners just seem rushed