Lets talk about the state of Germany

We already have the fairness part.
The correct fight is finding accurate sources since that’s the ruleset Gaijin made over 6 years ago.

The Italian Tiger is a sidegrade. You gain 15mm of useless armor & lose the APCR round.

You also lose access to smoke grenades.

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Could we get a statment if the armor on the leo2A7V is a balancing decision?
I think that would at least clear things up and people don’t need to waste their time writing reports about the armor

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It’s not.


Maybe gaijin wanted to avoid another leo2a6 situation.
There is no way that gaijin really things that the 2A7V has worse armor than the strv122

There certainly is, it’s still Gaijin and there is no historical consultant for Germany unlike for example Italy and China.
But it’s ofc still quite weird given that there are three Strv 122 in game and they decided to make it worse

You think after so much proof? A tank 20 years older with reworked armor?
I just think it’s gaijins shitty communication again.

A armor nerfed leopard would still be bad but at least it could be buffed if gaijin thinks balancing is a problem

No one uses APCR on german tanks. It never works.


Gaijin making sweden stronger and stronger at high tier is really bad though

They obviously don’t think it has worse armor, they also aren’t doing this for balance.
They’re doing what doesn’t get them in legal trouble or changing the rules.

Then they should give a statement. Other people are putting effort into report the armor.

They should change the armor at least to the strv122 level. It was nerfed aswell and wouldn’t be much of a problem

Cause 13 mm more is totally worth all the hazzle with new gun and s new shell.

If they really think that there is a need for balance, then give the German tech tree players a promise that they will add back armor stats later, rather than doing nothing

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The most obvious upgrade is the lack of smokes, that way the situation of 80% of the German players panickly smoking and blocking sight is avoided.


Gajin thinks later 2000s ERA NERA sandwich is the same as basic era on a m60

hello mister the european canadian


he said germany suffers in top tier which is incredibly funny (in general tec makes the worst opinion pieces ever. . … )

ahm not what I said?

yeah its what tec said