Lets talk about the state of Germany

To where exactly, in DCS?

Nevertheless you’re claims are wrong on F-18.

So you’re going to claim that F-18 isn’t a transonic [deck] dogfighter?
Okay buddy.

So you’re accusing me with something i didnt even say?

Buddy you’re getting ridicilous tbh.

No, I’m asking you a question for clarification.
Since I’m stating that F-18 is a transonic [deck] dogfighter & you’re making a claim that I’m wrong.
I’m asking if you really think I & many other DCS players are wrong, or if you misunderstood my statement.

You only stated this after i claimed how clueless you were about F-18’s dogfight capabilites.

Now you’re just bein cheap buddy, not gonna waste my time with this kind of conversation again, especially with you.

Well the L/55A1 gun is on the new challenger, that looks promising

Until now I always thought that only the German TT had a problem.
But after I got a forum ban weeks ago and started with the Swedes, I noticed several things in the game, which I summarized there.

LEO 2a7V without textures

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68.9 tons???


Everywhere it states 66.5 tons, what are they smoking???

take a look at the horsepower, 2502… Probably arcade settings, not sure.

Bundeswehr says 63.9

what the f

2A5, 2A6 AND FLARAKRAD AT RANK VIII??? PL and PSO being there isnt all too surprising, but wtf.

They’ve also mentioned that there might be something coming for german air, but it isn’t quite finished.

They’re wrong (as in, citing weight of the normal 2A7):


Of course a good toy for Germany does not come cheap. To Gaijin staff we will always be the WW2 baddies, and they make sure that we know our place.

(Below the heel of their Boot)


Zwilling wrote 66.5 metric tons as combat weight. The regular Leopard 2A7 weighed 63.5 metric tons, it is impossible that the 2A7V gained so little weight while receiving so many improvements, e.g. armor and suspension upgrades.

Also as you can see, no ifv. No german kf41 and of course NO PUMA WITH SPIKES


I’m citing what the Bundeswehr is saying. Which would be a primary source

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As I said a few days back; prepare for the 2A7V to be a massive disappointment because there’s no way in hell it will be properly modelled, and it seems my predictions are becoming true lmao.

Get your bug reports ready for the dev.

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They said the Leo has better shell again

That’s from 2021, BW at the time did not know what the final weight of the 2A7V will be yet, hence “ca. 65 t”, i’ve got the same type of response to my mail in regards to upgrading of Leopard 2s with L/55A1s, but official weight is 66.5 tons.

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