Lets talk about the state of Germany

I forgot how loud that thing is. It’s something that can absolutely terrify anyone nearby but also alert everyone that there’s a PzH2000.

Pzh 2000 damn maps need to be wayyyyyys bigger than what we got in the game right now for bring new system for arty I’m not gonna enjoy playing that thing on a map like Abandoned factory.

IF they implement the burst fire mode, it would be a competent brawler despite its size.

Otherwise it would definitely struggle.

Blockquote The German Leopard 2 hull armour is worse than Leclercs.

How are you supposed to argue with people like this lol.

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Its german it HAS to be the largest vehicle of its type.

Honestly why i love germany. The maus, class 3p, flarakrad, puma, all absolute lads.

still no that thing are too damn big and i’m not a good brawler with any kind of tanks too


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you… you realy want to compare guns with GERMANY?


except your gustav cant move on its own without having too much crew and even longer to make rails for it while 2b1 can move by itself and use nuclear shells

Everyone Gangsta until the Gustav drifts by and wipes your team in one shot

Ps: Did that stop the Polar Express?

except oka would do the same while not needing rails and shit ton of crew

we were comparing sizes of the caliber not capability lol, you wanna compare an old ww2 artillery with a more modern one of course its gonna be better

i mean we were comparing how big shit is not calibres but ok cuz oka is a chunky fuck

I know its not super big but id love to see this come to france and germany.

The 194mm gpf

It could have an AI controlled ammo schlepper next to it.

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Bigga betta stronga

I have created a post to try and consolidate all german vehicle suggestions and wishes. Feel free to add your input.

yeah already existed, linked them in your thread

Yeah and how many players actually play 12.3 air RB


And it has a x4 main gun optic which is backup but since the game doesn’t have modern FCS functionalities that’s all you get