Lets talk about the state of Germany

Well yes this update was meant to be small but we still didnt ask for, want, or need an m109. Weve been asking for the pnzh 2000 for many years now. Ever since the type 75sph got added.

And ive learned after the abuse germany has recieved over the years to not trust gaijin. New leopard could just mean a tech tree leo 2sg copy of the leo 2pl. Or the addition of dm33 to the 2a4
c-tech moving it to 10.7 and the re-adding of the b-tech armor version at 10.0.

Cause if you remember they changed the b-tech armor on the 2a4 to c-tech once the 2a5 was added.
It previously had what 400mm of turet armor?

But honestly id be surprised if it was an actual usable leo 2. Like maybe one that could compete with the balanced strv 122bs. Or one with decent thermals. Or literally anything worthwhile.


i wouldnt give up that quickly, they clearly stated it as an upgrade over the currently existing 2a5/2a6 variant with the introduction of the PSO

Before I was saying that the PzH2000 was to advanced for WT, but the Auf1 and VIDAR make it seem like it’s an equivalent compared to other tech trees. Hopefully the M109 is just a stop gap rather then a “good enough” solution.

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depending on it the PzH2000 might be worse, since it is quite a bit bigger isnt it

PZH would be about equal to or even better than VIDAR if you ask me, which the VIDAR should definitely go to 9.0+ already.

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I don’t see a reason why VIDAR should be fighting 9.0+ vehicles that have LRFs, thermals, darts, mobility, etc.
This would kill only advantage VIDAR has, which is LRF and thermals.

Honestly smt is better for air rb because of the rwr alone. the lack of situational awareness you get from the spo-15 will 100% get you killed. Mig29g is only better in dogfights and really only 1v1.

VIDAR still performs well when taken into higher BRs, so I see no issue in taking it out of a BR where it’s dominant

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Let’s not fool ourselves.
A PzH 2000 in the game would mean a BR of at least 12.0.
Regardless of how big she is, she would simply wipe everything off the battlefield with just one shot.
No amount of armor will help, because all that’s left is a crater.
Gaijin couldn’t do any worse because there are no bad shells for this vehicle.
Then the next problem is that the PzH2000 is a semi autoloader that can fire every few seconds and is also highly mobile.

Unless they implement the simultaneous 3 round burst, it would be firing every 10 seconds on average.

The VIDAR has that same function but they didn’t implement it.

Any source to back up your claims ?

To put it more precisely:
Shot /seconds
and that would be a little bit creepy for everyone.

Since 3/10 burst is immediately possible again within a few seconds if the weapon system has enough grenades in stock again.

Eh. The PzH2K has better reload (and no ready rack, though the VIDAR really shouldnt either) and the shells are nutty with like 15 to 16kg of TNTe, but everything else is equal at best.
PzH2K has commander optics with good zoom (2x - 8x), but I’m not sure if it has commander override in the WT sense, probably depends how you interpret the

■ Panoramic vision, target designation and target
identification during day or night, using the monocular
■ Rangefinding to the target by laser-rangefinder.

gunner sight on the other hand is pure 8x, not really great for overview nor sniping
PzH2K completely lacks any sort of thermal device, its night vision at best, mobility is also worse in both top speed and power/weight ratio (VIDAR on 18.4, on PzH 17.9 without hedgehog, 17.3 with) Armor wont hold anything beyond MG fire or light autocannons on either vehicle
And its huge

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It can do 12 shots in one minute.
Thats 5.5 seconds per rounds on average, only a little higher than the initial burst of ~4 seconds per round
(BTW, always remember that you start with round in the chamber when calculating reload from X shots in Y seconds)


I’m aware of this, but the 12 shots/minute are not used because of the heating of the barrel ;)

It literally brings hell on earth.

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As we say in Germany, “Das muss das Boot Rohr abkönnen”

Besides, Gajin already has an overheat mechanic, they surely are able to tack that on the PzH, right?

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  1. PzArtBtl 425 long time ago

that would require gajin to actualy fix the overpressue mechanic, or did it shoot AP shells as well?

No AP as far as I’m aware.

you could probably fit the HE rounds with a delayed action fuse and get some SAP-like shell. Doubt it would pen more than 100 to 150mm though

As far as I know, only HE, but it would still tear apart any tank if hit.

But AP wouldn’t make any sense either.

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SMart Ammo 🤪