Let's talk about the discrimination and institutional inadequacy of the Soviet Air Force from the fox1, fox2 era to the fox3 era today

Eh… I’d say equal currently.
F-15A being under-BR’d tho; then again that’s more compression than anything else.


Oh yeah? Where? On what merit?

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As much as I am loathed to admit it. This is probably the first time in the last 2 or 3 years where the Soviets havent been absolute meta.

R-77 has its strengths for sure, but used right, both MICA and Aim-120 will win most of the time. Most Soviet aircraft have bad RWRs, and far more limited CMs, even when not considering BOL (even though BOL is stupidly nerfed)

In a dogfight the Su-27 certainly isnt DOA, but vs the F-16 or Gripen it certainly doesnt steam roll either.

So there is a bit of validity to the soviet moaning… That being said. I dont think they all that under-powered currently either and the complaining is from the fact that they arent absolutely dominating with ease (like they did previously with things like the Mig-23 or Mig-29)


Little bit of an understatement lmao, the R-27ER has, until Seek and destroy been the single most META defining weapon in ARB, it completely dominated every BVR equivalent from the second it was added and continues to outrange and outspeed everything to this day.

Russia has never truly lacked behind the counterparts, in fact they are often artificially buffed to compensate for their lacking technology, you can’t sit and forget a year of ER dominance the second the R-77 turns out to be exactly as everyone expected, a mediocre missile.

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The R-27 is one missile. you could always counter it by notching going cold or multipathing the game was far more balanced before the introduction of ARH and the multipath change, the soviets had a single better missile while everyone else had vastly superior airframes, vastly superior radars and countermeasures, now the red side just doesn’t have anything

Ive now played the Gripen, F-16, F-15, M2k, Mig-29 and Su-27 and can say with confidence that the Su-27s performance is massively worse than all of these planes the primary issue being energy retention while all of these planes can pull slightly less AOA they can also at least maintain speeds above 1000kph while the Su-27 falls out of the sky if you decide to do anything but flying in a straight line


Any more trouble from this thread, then it will be locked…


It’s a poorly coordinated one at that, wouldn’t be surprised if said trouble arises pretty quickly

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Ten years of being a Moderator… I dont think I have ever been surprised ^^

It would be locked already to solve the problem… but some are trying to have a honest Discussion

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Is that the new WT live community artist profile image, haven’t seen it before?

I saw it about two WT content patches ago, not sure why tho, since I already had access to it, but I think it might have something to do with being WT.Live content creator… could be wrong

The lawnmower meta existed before even the Phoenix was added.


Technically you can say it’s in the top 10, lmao.

This is outright delusional. R-27ER was NOT dominating. Just look at the sim lobbies and how long red team has been starved for players. The previous patch was FIRMLY ruled with an iron fist by the Gripen with the F-16C close behind. Red team planes have been inferior to nato ones for a long time. R-73 vs 9M are sidegrades to each other since they excel at different things. The 27ER was the ONE metric where they had an advantage. An advantage that was heavily tempered by a combination of strong multipathing and the fact that the majority of planes could only carry a miserably small supply of 27ERs.

If the red team was actually dominating, were actually biased, were actually op, then the state of simulator battles would have featured red teams drastically outnumbering players queuing for blue team. People gravitate towards easy mode. They gravitate towards being OP. The facts don’t align with the russian bias hypothesis. Blue team has been outnumbering red for ages because they’re the ones that actually are enjoying the bias.


Both are event vehicles, and such dont really have to conform.

cough lore accurate cough

Last I checked, the USA is very good at top tier. They have very good props, and solid jets, and they don’t have any “bad” BRs or gaps. They also have the best CAS, but that’s for another thread


Yeah, their only real weakness is the lack of decent 11.0 ish CAS. But would just take A-10C or F-111C to fill that hole.

what can i say.

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Bitching about a missile that isn’t evennin the game yet, while simultaneously showing an unlofted R-27ER beating everything else is peak cope. Boo-hoo, sucks to be you

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I am just lamenting that the US Air Force has acquired yet another excellent long range missile, which should also be attacked by your unjustified language? I have tried to avoid arguing with people about the specific capabilities and performance of the missile, and instead focus on the range of the missile to keep this post on track.
Of course, if the r27er can be launched from an f15 or f16, maybe it will be the missile that beats everything you say. (^_^)

Their missing decent 11.0ish cas ignores the fact that their lower cas arguably should be at that BR.

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