Let's talk about the discrimination and institutional inadequacy of the Soviet Air Force from the fox1, fox2 era to the fox3 era today

I mean top tier games in last few years.

MiG-21F-13/J-7II wasn’t good when they comes in the game because F-4C had 20mm gun pods which didn’t have any mass and, everybody spammed it.

When MiG-21S and SPS-K comes in the game, 10.0 and 9.7 wasn’t top tier anymore.

You cant really whine about the R-3R its literally just an an Aim-9B with a radar seeker its just as easy to kinematically dodge


Gunpod mass issue was fixed.

Mig-21 series afterburner thrust still puts out more than it’s supposed to and hasn’t been fixed as far as I am aware.

The 21 series AB puts out the correct thrust if anything the BIS is underperforming because it cant use its emergency thrust


I honestly just want a dedicated interceptor line.


All aircraft in War Thunder share the same damage model methodology, not just Soviets.
Tu-2? B-25 did the same thing.

Sloped armor on Soviet tanks are currently accurate. The flat protection of some tanks, Ariete included, is over-performing, but that’s a flaw of the APFSDS code.

7.1 seconds is slower than the quoted 6.x seconds.
HE shells are in-line with 120 - 125 HE shells of all tech trees.


Yeah, I know it’s HESH, still fills the role.

ERA performance is based on NATO documentation; so if you have an issue with it, prove NATO wrong.
Volumetric armor is on tanks in all tech trees.
T-series tanks were nerfed this week.
3BM60 is the “3rd worst” top round.
Their 8.7 tanks fire the worst APFSDS round at the BR.

HVAP was buffed in 2018, and buffed again in 2023. I should know having exclusively used it on T26E5, and Pershings from late 2019 onward.

These correct things about their vehicles shouldn’t be changed IMO; this is just a refutation of the claims presented in your post.

Oh, and to set the record straight: I acknowledge ALL experiences from everyone, regardless of how different to mine they are.
You found something I didn’t come across when playing, and that’s interesting.

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never change man

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You act like it was only Russian tanks affected by hvap being very good. Wasn’t it mostly German tanks that used it, so needing it would benefit American tanks too?

Reload times are always used for balance. It isn’t just Russia that benefits from that. And do you have evidence of them over performing compared to irl?

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Was saying that nerf of HVAP benefited Russians

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I would be happy to see either Su-15 or better MiG-25/31 in the nearest update than anything else for SU TT.

I created a list of vehicles that could make up a line of interceptors, obvious issues with this (already 5 lines of aircraft) but I was bored when I did it.
I want to create a U.S. model.

Dedicated Interceptor line


BR’s may be off, did this in a span of about 10 minutes.
MiG-19SU (9.3)
Su-9 (9.3-9.7)
I-75 (10.0)
Su-11 (10.0)
Yak-28P (10.0/10.3)
Su-15T (10.3)
Su-15TM (10.7)
Tu-28 (10.3/10.7)
Ye-150 (10.7) (Premium/event)
Ye-152 (10.7)
MiG-25P (10.7)
MiG-25PD (11.0) (Premium)
Mohammed Rayyan’s MiG-25 (11.0) (Event)

  • Iraqi MiG-25s could supposedly mount gunpods, can’t confirm this though.

MiG-25PDS (11.3-11.7)
MiG-31 (13.0)
MiG-31B (13.3)
MiG-31M (13.7-14.0) (Premium)
MiG-31BM (14.0-14.7)


Thats probably way to high, specially when the f14b is 12.7, it just get the base r33 with r60m or r40s, sames goes with the 31b.


I did have it at like 12.3 before I edited it 10 minutes ago, those are just junk br placements, don’t even pay attention to them tbh.

lol what?

Also coincidentally, I started getting called a gaslighter for saying that @uuzsodana 's original post was wrong…
Really says a lot about accusers when they attack those that state basic facts about how the Soviets are doing fine.

Fox 3s have for the first time in about 2 years, leveled the playing field between Soviets and everyone else. Mig-23 was meta, then Mig-29. R-27ER has been one of the most OP missiles ever added to the game.

Now I dont expect it to last much more than an update or 2. But im personally enjoying not being steam rolled by any and all soviet aircraft I encounter as i was forced to play at a massive disadvantage normally


in planes yes. tanks no




Russia is 1000% inferior in planes compared to the USA, because the USA has the best air tree by far.

For tanks, who is better switches around a fair bit depending on the BR.