Let's talk about the discrimination and institutional inadequacy of the Soviet Air Force from the fox1, fox2 era to the fox3 era today

The guy tried gaslighting people that i hate germany and how i want to nerf german vehicles when i am literaly one of the most known outspoken german supporters and everyone called him out on it lol

Ok, what exactly has been proven and about which vehicle? Missile having 0.3 seconds longer burn time? Come on. That shit has been going on since 2013 and you are here for a year and all you see is the typical Russian bias and start screaming with the rest of the herd. How come that B17 back in the day could withstand black tail, black fuselage, 2 dead engines and still keeps firing and killing and most of all flying! Thats not some code fiddleing? That must be the V8, electric guitar and burgers induced skill?


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I mean I’m pretty sure the R27-ER dominated the game for about a year or a year and 1/2 (really can’t remember) and the R-73 is probably the best dogfighting missile in the game, but to be fair I would rather an aim-9M. The Soviet air force is just in a bad spot now in the Fox-3 era. (and trust me, plenty of better fox-3 missiles are coming your way like the R-37, R-77M, or the R-37M) Your SU-27 is probably one of the worst airframes in the top tier area. Problem with the Mig-25 you want added is I don’t think enough documents are out there, even compared to the F-16 or the F-15. I don’t even think it would be good, but probably fun. (kinda like an f-104, but at top tier.) I would love to see some soviet tech added to germany, as I really would like to grind their tanks but find that their air seems pretty bad. So yeah, soviets are in a bad place rn. Probably one of the worst (if not the worst) TTARB lineups in the game.

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As I predicted when I first saw this title, this thread is becoming full of USA mains who refuse to believe that Russian equipment isn’t the best in many situations. It makes having actual coversations impossible because of players who can’t handle being told that they are wrong about Russian equipment.

There is no Russian bias. There is only a bias towards $$$.


I’ll name a few off the rip;

T-series tanks having overperforming LOS on their armor.
T-series tanks ammo carousal having a lower ammo detonation modifier compared to everyone else, this artificially increasing ammo survivability.
IS-6 having a whole extra 100mm of armor that it shouldn’t have had.
Mig-23 series turn ability with sweep wings
Mig-21 series afterburner putting out far more power than it actually did IRL
T-34 series APBC having artificially higher slope pen than it should
Russian ERA and Kontact protection operating incorrectly, tanking multiple hits and shell types they were not designed to stop.

As for the bombers - Every single one did that back in the day to varying degrees - Which they should because they were literally designed to withstand damage. That’s a non-argument you’re making simply out of personal spite.


the volumetric mechanic massively benefiting russian tanks leading them to overperforming
western F&F missles literaly not lofting right and hitting frontal plates pretty much not hitting tops

Tow 2-b not having double charges to circumvent era etc etc


The Tow-2B was nerfed solely because the Russian mains were screaming bloody murder because Tow-2B specifically didn’t give a goddamn about their overperforming ERA, Kontact and LOS.

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Yeah, I was wishing for that to be in a different tech tree, like maybe the israeli tree, but we know how that would go nowadays.

It should be blatantly obvious that when stating T-series it means the entire series. I need not elaborate further.

These days it is more consistent, yes. But barely 6 months ago it was an absolute coin toss on whether the carousel ammo simply ate the round or not. The fact such a discrepancy even existed should not be forgotten.

" Modeling error " Yeah, sure… And I have a million dollars on my bank account.

The documentation about the APBC was on the old forum, compiled by a fella who I’m not even sure plays the game anymore. You’d have to go diving for that one.

You obviously don’t fully understand how ERA and NERA works so you should go brush up on that before trying to conflate ERA bricks in NERA/Composite designed into a turret.

Renzan was the same as the rest. You’re either trolling or forgetting.

Oh, and here’s another one; How could I forget how utterly ridiculous the Frogfoot DM was for several months? Eating anywhere from 3-6 Stingers on average and staying air-worthy while the Warthog from the get-go would fall apart like a paper crane when it was so much as looked at.

I mean, an Iranian or some middle-east conglomerate tree could be made where these ME Bloc aircraft could be put into - But I doubt Gaijin cares to put that much work into it so the only thing to do is to put the aircraft and tanks in TTs that the vehicles were purchased and/or leased from.

yeah, probably. Maybe like the israeli tree where they put the later vehicles first and the tree starts at 4.0-5.0. We would need the AA toyota for sure

NGL it would be funny to see the ME player groups having an absolute meltdown over that.

Unfortunately, Gaijin isn’t interested in that much meming.

  1. Yes because I don’t keep a record of links, nor do I care if you disagree because I saw the data prior. I know who’s wrong here and it isn’t me.

  2. Again, " modeling error " an extra 100mm of armor? And I have a million dollars in my bank account.

  3. Re-read what I said and then try again because you completely lost the plot.

  4. You mean like every other high-capacity bombload bomber could if left unattended back in the day? Literal non-argument.

  5. No because now you’re just throwing a tantrum. Go put yourself in timeout for an hour and cool your jets.

Yes, Russia was one of the first nations to receive AAM in the game (MiG-19PT + R-3S).
Also, when F-4C was meta in 2019, Gaijin added R-60 which was “all-aspect missiles” with MiG-21SMT/MF in the game.

Same goes with MiG-23MLD that has R-24R/T, MiG-29 9.13 with R-27ER, Yak-141 which has really decent radar etc.

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R-98 would literally just be a radar version of the Red top just with a sustainer and much worse AOA and max G it would strictly be a much worse R-23R

R-40 would be performance wise identical to the french R.511 just with Phoenix range and Fireflash AOA and G pull It’d be a shit missile even at 9.0

Would perform identically to the Phoenix just with a worse seeker and half the G pull

R-37 would perform identically to the Phoenix just with more range

Almost forget to include the R-4 its so bad i genuinely forgot it existed for a second literally an Aim-4 tier missile actually the Aim-4 is superior because at least it can hit supersonic targets

Let’s not forget that there were 9.3 and 9.7 Mig-21 models running radar missiles against competition that had neither countermeasures nor SARH of their own.

Oh, and let’s not forget the Vikhirs are still utter nonsense, themselves.

Nor that Kamovs can lose their tail and still maintain enough control to take a piss on people whilst any other helicopter is toast once they lose their tail and lose complete control.

Vikhrs havent been the top heli missile for a while now


So at first
No R-73 IS NOT IDENTICAL there are many difference in build, irccm works or simple things like range and max G load, engine etc.

R-77 doesn’t stand close to AIM-120A it is worst in almost every way with ultimate drag and seeker problems.
Like here on that clip

throw whole gameplay he is using R-77 only with HMD mode so under 10km, why? Because it just can’t go as far as AIM-120a or even PL-12.

And no R-27ER is equivalent to Aim-7p which has data link. They are no even close to each other ER has outstanding performance to 7F/M.