Leopard 2A7V / 2A7HU discussion & bugs

im gonna main russia now

Thats the point? They claim that >35% of the tank is pennable from 600mm pen apfsds. In gaijians picture they show a completly wrong protection map, if that was 600mm pen it would show that you can pen the UFP which you cant according to this picture.

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and you cannot pen it on level ground, they are correct.

according to your method you can pen the turret roof as well!!! (you can if you look from directly above)

Here im looking at it from a larger angle than what gaijian made, happy? Point still stands.


You can pen it on level ground

you cannot.

Here’s the protection map for 3BM60 at 2km. Not sure what round they were using on their post, but it sure as hell doesn’t line up with what’s actually shown in-game.
image (3)


The protection map is totally irrelevant here!
The protection analysis though actually shows the truth.
APFSDS can penetrate the hull at 83° despite APFSDS having a 100% ricochet chance at 81° already.



Now let’s see their answer.


Aha :D

APFSDS ricochet has been bugged in the pen analysis for months?
This is a known issue and only proves why you shouldnt use pen analysis in these cases. The UFP is angled at 83 degrees and causes autoricochets.

In actual matches (the only situation that matters), your UFP is immune unless angled down.

On the 2A7V it isn’t, I’ve tested it in customs and it will not stop anything with OFL F1’s level of performance.

“consider camera vertical angle” is turned on in this image, you are aiming down on the UFP and causing a warped image of reality.

I’ve personally tested it and it was immune to everything except around the drivers hatch.

Looks like Gaijin has returned to their old ways, guess when they changed their tune after the review bomb it was just a temporary thing. Back to pissing everybody off

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“Immune to everything”

Sure thing buddy.

Any other Leopard 2 (apart from the PSO) has no problems from this range.


Dev server my beloved

Nothing changed between it and live for the upper plate, so that’s irrelevant.


Yeah the ufp doesn’t bounce still, even at 81-82 degrees its ridiculous. I’ve died several times due to this.

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The point is not what it is immune to, the point is that the armor of A7V is completely wrong bro