Leak List

With the original introduction of the J-8F without its PL-12 Gaijin has already set a precedence that aircrafts can be added without their actual loadout purely for balancing reasons (until other nations have a good equivalents).

Of course the PL-12 was added later on with all the other ARH and had its BR changed as a result of that. I would expect the F/A-18C would be added without AIM-9X and AIM-120C until something like the R-77M or PL-15 is also ready.

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Amagi and Warspite are awesome additions, and I’m also looking forward to France Coastal.

Hopefully this Finnish KV-1 being a premium means the up-armoured one will be tech tree later on.

(Also, Smin has said Warspite is not planned to be an event vehicle.)


Well yea, the MiG-29s still dont have R73, F16C was added with a sparrow when it should have AIM-120C-7 and AIM-9X, MiG-29SMT was added without R77 etc

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F-15C added without 9X and 120C-7

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yea thats true aswell

Isn’t that the one we have in the game? If so, can you choose which one it is ^^

it will be 9M and 120B/A (B and A same in the game)

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The version of the F16 and F15 we have are from the early 2000s due to them having the JHMCS,

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Germany created the Ju-86.
The Ju-86 is in the game since December 2019, but not in the German tree…

I’d like to point out that the Gripen as we know and love it uses the RB74(M) the aim 9M, which they literally never operated or had a domestic name for. So it’s not out of the realm of possibility they just give it 9Ms.

Hopefully it comes sooner than later, and I personally don’t care who gets it, as long as I get to fly it.

In my perfect world, I’d get to fly the CF-18, and enemy RWR would say “sorry sorry sorry” when you launched at them. Maybe that’s just the Canadian in me.

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I really hope it is. The 9k33 Osa would be SUCH a boon to top tier Italy. The Otomatic is…the Otomatic. It’s kinda “just okay” as an SPAA and is largely outclassed in most every aspect by things like the Pantsir, ADATS, FlakRakRad, and heck even the Tor-m1.

As a German main this makes me very happy


Those KV-1 tanks would be neat.

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For Britain

If we get a WW2 (or WW2 refit) BB, then it will be good(has been confirmed to not be planned as the event vehicle)

But for air and ground, its crap. But, what Britain needs more than anything, is stuff added in the past 2 years to be finished. If we finally get a finished Sea Harrier FRS1 or FA2. As well some long overdue TLC for the Tornado (Especially the state of BOL) then it would be an excellent addition for air.

Ground, nothing can be done short of them totally overhauling the CR2s and modeling them correctly which is unlikely. After that, we need a major decompress.

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Funny, because the Swiss F-18 is not a CAS plane.


Close, but with much inferior speed and agility.

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While I agree, I feel like the KV-1A will sit at a pretty awkward BR for Sweden. If it’s the one from the Parola Tank Museum, it should end up at 4.7 in AB and RB.

Nor were the SAAF and SAF Gripens before Gaijin gave them Mav Gs on the basis of “they can use them, Britian (in case of SAAF Gripen) used them, so they will have 'em”.

Same is gonna happen here probably since Germany had Ds & Gs, and so far nobody has been able to prove that Swiss F/A-18C is physically incapable of using them…