Leak List

Nope, dont care, its a fin vehicle, it should go to the fins


F16A ADF for both USA and Italy

yes and no lol

Which high tier Jet has been added that should have had such a restriction?

In the case of these jets iirc, at least in the finnish case, it was a treaty stipulation that it couldn’t

I swear if they add the Kranvagen and its some impossible to grind event vehicle…

I don’t care much about Major vehicles, but event ones because I don’t gonna grind tech tree vehicles too early, and if the event vehicle is a StuG IV I’ll commit a crime.

I don’t want the vehicle to be not featured in game but I’m not playing for 2/3 a month to get a WW2 vehicle. The same thing that happened with Petard: ~40K points for a meme vehicle that isn’t even reliable.


İt’s real it seems, saw it yesterday

Shit, haven’t gotten to that part of the tree yet.

I thought no jet had only a2a only load out at top/high tier, so that’s news to me.

Krilling myself rn

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The germans can get the F/A-18. I don’t care (i don’t just main the U.S :)))

f-15 also gets stock msl’s

I’m one in a krillion

Yea the ADF variant of the F16 was used by the US air national guard for defense against Soviet bombers, so it was not equipped with ground ordinance. Then as a stop gap between the F104/Tornado ADV and the typhoon, the US lent their older F16A ADF’s to italy for a couple years

I’m just cranking out the last couple jets in the USA tree, but if Germany gets a F-18 and F-5E, I’m moving there next for sure.

You all do realize that just because its on the list doesnt mean its coming, right?

Just look at A6 SWIP, that has been in the leak list for multiple patches and it still hasnt been added.

Even real leak lists had the SWİP every time lol

My theory is that its gaijin posting these leaks to build hype, and their just using the SWIP to troll players. Because its been on every leak list since like 2 years ago, and before that the A6E TRAM was on it

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If explicitly a Swiss F/A-18C comes, I do wonder about it’s loadout too: Our Hornets carry AIM-9X, AIM-120B and AIM-120C, so two out of three are not even in the game yet…

(Yes, they initially also carried AIM-9P-5 before the 9X was ready - which should also go onto a Swiss F-5E…), but that would be too weak, I think.

Wouldnt the AIM-9P-5 be an AIM-9P with the seeker and IRCCM of the AIM-9M?

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NO US spaa :(((