LAV-25A2: Backbone of the USMC

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304px-Emblem_of_the_United_States_Marine LAV-25A2: Backbone of the USMC

The LAV-25A2, in primary service with the USMC, and limited service with the U.S. Army.

  • Description :
    • The LAV-25 is an armored reconnaissance vehicle developed by General Motors Diesel of Canada, and later produced by General Dynamics Land Systems (GDLS) for service in the United States Marine Corps (USMC). The original LAV-25 development began when the Department of Defense started the Light Armored Vehicle (LAV) program in the 1970’s to introduce a light armored vehicle capable of amphibious operations as well as provided decent firepower to support both reconnaissance units as well as general infantry in combat operations. In 1981, three companies were selected being Alvis, General Motors Diesel, and Cadillac Gage which each provided a vehicle such as Cadillac Gage’s V-150S or General Motors Diesel Mowag Piranha. The following year in 1982, the Department of Defense selected General Motors Diesel’s Mowag Piranha as the ARV for the USMC and U.S. Army. However, due to funding limitations, only the Marines were able to purchase the LAV-25 which entered service in 1983. The LAV-25 saw significant operational use, utilized in combat during the Invasion of Panama, the Persian Gulf War, as well as Operation Uphold Democracy. Due to the reliable capabilities of the LAV platform, the LAV went through numerous modernizations and modifications. The first, dubbed the LAV-25 System’s Service Life Extension Program, or SLEP which officially began in 2000. This program introduced many minor enhancements to the LAV-25 such as applique armor panels, engine and exhaust thermal upgrades, corrasion resistance, and much more. This program applied to all LAV-25’s in active service of the USMC and the LAV-25 SLEP would later be designated the LAV-25A1.
    • The LAV-25A2 however, is the latest variant of the LAV-25 fielded in numbers by the USMC. The LAV-25A2 retains the original powerpack of the LAV-25, utilizing the 300hp Detroit Diesel 6V53T Diesel Engine coupled to an automatic Allison MT653 transmission allowing for high maneuverability and amphibious capabilities. The LAV-25A2 also retains the same armament, being a 25mm M242 Chain Gun, capable of firing a wide variety of ammunition, coaxial 7.62mm M240C machine gun, and 7.62 M240E1 pintle-mounted machine gun. The LAV-25A2 however, features several enhancements over its predecessor with one being the Raytheon Improved Thermal Sight System (ITSS), a second generation thermal imaging system and eye-safe laser rangefinder for the Gunner, which allows for further effective operations at night. Along with the sight system, the fire control system was modified to allow the LAV-25A2 to fire the newer M919 APFSDS-T rounds, capable of superb armor penetration over the older M791 APDS-T round. The Commander also has access to a remote display for the weapon system, offering the same capabilities of the Gunner, capable of firing the main gun and coaxial. For viewing outside the vehicle, the Commander is equipped with 7x M-27 day periscopes, and an M36/LAV day sight. The Driver is equipped with the AN/VAS-5A(v)5 Passive IR sight system, as well as 3 M-17 day periscopes. For protection, the LAV-25A2 received new armor paneling capable of protecting against 14.5mm armor piercing rounds from the side and rear as well as a anti-spalling liner for enhanced crew protection. The Commander also received a cupola capable of protecting against small-caliber rounds. The frontal arc can protect against 20-25mm armor piercing rounds. To support the weight of the new armor paneling, the suspension was reworked, increasing reliability of the platform. Other enhancements are new fire-suppression equipment, updated internal and external communication equipment such as the VIC-2 Intercom system and SINCGARS RT-1523D VHR Radio, and more. The LAV-25A2 remains air transportable, being able to be transported by a C-5A, C-130, C-141, and by helicopter lift, the CH-53. The LAV-25A2 has become the new standard, seeing combat service in multiple theaters within the Iraqi War and War in Afghanistan. In 2018, the LAV-25A2 was tested by the U.S. Army’s Operational Test Command, evaluating the capability of the LAV-25A2 to be airdropped with later the 82nd Airborne being equipped with the LAV-25A2 for additional testing. The testing ceased in 2020 with the unit equipped with the LAV-25A2 being disbanded. General Dynamics was awarded a contract in 2019 to upgrade the LAV-25A2 further to a new standard dubbed the LAV-25A3 but this contract was limited in scope, with 60 units expected to be prepared by 2021. Upgrades included improved drive train, reliability, digital enhancements, and more. The LAV-25A2 and LAV-25A3 are due to be replaced by the USMC’s new Amphibious Combat Vehicle, or ACV, which can be equipped with the Kongsberg MCT-30 remote weapon station. This version is dubbed the ACV-30. Suggestion for the ACV-30 can be found here:
      • Amphibious Combat Vehicle (ACV-30) suggestion.
  • Role : Armored Reconnaissance Vehicle
  • Origin/Manufacturer:
    • United States/General Dynamics Land Systems (GDLS)
  • Armament :
    • Primary: 25mm M242 Bushmaster Chain Gun (210 ready, 210 stowed)
      • Cartridge: 25x137
        • Ammunition:
          • M919 APFSDS-T
          • M791 APDS-T
          • M792 HEI-T
        • Feed System:
          • Dual-belt Fed
        • Depression/Elevation: -8°/+60°
        • Traverse: 36°/sec
        • Stabilizer: Electro-mechanical, Two-plane
        • Rate of Fire: 200rds/min
    • Secondary (660x 7.62mm rounds stowed):
      • Coaxial: M240C Machine Gun (440rds)
      • Pintle Mounted: M240E1 Machine Gun (220rds)
  • Maneuverability:
    • Engine: 275hp - Detroit Diesel 6V53T Diesel Engine
    • Transmission: Allison MT653 Automatic Transmission (5-Forward, 1-Reverse)
    • Chassis: 8x8
      • Clearance: 378mm
    • Max Speed: 100km/h (10km/h on water)
  • Dimensions:
    • Length: 6.527m
    • Width: 2.620m
    • Height: 2.692m
    • Weight: 14.5t
  • Crew (3-7x):
    • Commander
    • Gunner
    • Driver
    • 4x Additional Passengers
  • Features:
    • 8x M257 76mm Smoke Grenade Launchers (8x extra stowed)
    • Laser Rangefinder
    • Amphibious
      • Forward Splash Plate
      • 2x Rear Propulsors
      • Bilge Pumps
    • Upgraded FCS:
      • New FCS allows full implementation of the M919 APFSDS-T rounds which are unavailable to earlier LAV-25 models.
    • Armor:
      • Base Armor:
        • 20mm AP round protection on frontal Arc.
        • 7.62mm AP round protection on hull side and rear.
      • Armor Package:
        • Up to 14.5mm AP round protection.
        • Anti-spalling Liner.
    • Other Optics:
      • Driver: AN/VAS-5A(v)5 Sight System
        • 2nd-generation Image Intensification
      • Gunner: AN/PAS-13 Improved Thermal Sight System (ITSS)
        • 2nd-generation Thermal Imager
      • Commander: Passive IR
        • Remote access to Gunner Controls.
        • Commander’s Thermal Display.
      • Optics section does not include M-17, M-27, and M36 Day sights/periscopes.
    • Camouflage Options:
      • Desert Tan
      • Dark Green (Standard)
      • CARC
  • In-game :
    • The LAV-25A2 is a solid addition to the USA ground tree in War Thunder. Operating in similar fashion to the Italian VBC, the LAV-25A2 features decent protection of 14.5mm AP protection all the way up to 20mm AP, not to mention its anti-spalling liner, as well as a powerful main armament, the M242 which can fire APFSDS-T rounds. It also has access to HEI-T to engage low flying helicopters (and now drones). These rounds can be aimed using the effective laser rangefinder. The LAV-25A2 is a quick APC, capable of capturing and holding down points as well as fighting in night operations due to its 2nd-generation thermal imager for its gunner. It is also a great flanker due to its high speeds as well as amphibious capabilities. However, the main drawback to having a higher Battle Rating is its slow firing main gun. Many other 25mm autocannons (like the Dardo’s Oerlikon KBA B02 at ~560rds/min) in game have a rapid rate of fire however the M242 does not, sitting at 200rds/min, requiring the operator to place well aimed rounds, knocking out crew members or modules of targeted vehicles. Overall, the LAV-25A2 is a battle proven vehicle that can draw out many unique playstyles of different players/operators.
    • Estimated Battle Rating: 8.3 (Realistic)
  • Sources:




The LAV-25A2.


LAV-25A2 during live fire drills.


U.S. Army’s Airborne units testing the LAV-25A2.


ITSS system.


Engine of the LAV-25A2.


Different types of 25mm ammunition that can be fired from the M242 Chain Gun.


Artist representation of the LAV-25A2 by Tanks Encyclopedia.
Videos of the LAV-25A2.


+1. Rah. Enough said.


+1 at 8.0, anything higher seems to much as it has a slow firing cannon, no missiles, big turn radius, relatively large size and not that exceptional speed, hell, maybe 8.0 is too high as well

Shouldn’t it have 275 HP like the LAV-AD, and not 300?


There are a severe lack of LAV variants in this game, so this definitely gets a +1 from me.


I would love to see it in WT, plus the LAV-AT variant with TOW missiles.


Bruh the M3A3 bradley still does good at 10.0 with its auto-cannon

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Do you mean it’s good even without TOW missiles? Cuz those are pretty useful. I haven’t unlocked it yet but if all I had was a 25-mil autocannon at 10.0 I’d feel pretty underwhelmed I reckon.


Looks great +1

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lol try the LAV-AD. granted you still get rockets but before the nerf the the fucking cannons penatration. it was a good tank killer. now you have to use rockets to kill russian MBT’s.

but yeah even without TOW missiles it’s good for taking out barrels and tracks. sometimes killing the driver of russian tanks.

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Suggestion passed to the developers for consideration.