KV-1A - Klimi a Finnish KV-1 model 1942

Interesting seeing a take that the KV-1B’s brother is going to be “mid”…

Well Zis-5 is better armor than the KV-1B/E with an improved gun.
And KV-1B/E is already borderline OP alongside M4A2.

Another trash take no surprise.

Yes, the gun leaves a lot to be desired especially when it can barely hurt a churchill mk VII frontally let alone the VK panther whose gun easily wipes the KV-1A out

Cause the Churchill is the only thing you face and its similar gun to yours can definitely pen your similar armor… /s

I mentioned it because its a lower BR and is comparable with pen and armor. Regardless it will be 5.0 with the better KV-1 on germany so it really has no purpose.

KV-1A will not be 5.0…


Average vehicle addition count of updates without sub-trees: 42.
Go count the vehicles in the leak list.

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oh that, i’m aware that not every vehicle tends to be mentioned in these types of leaks but i’m a bit dissapointed that only the KV-1A is shown as a premium

Think they also mentioned a French naval leak but no list had been made

Right because it should totally be the same BR as the Zis 5, again it has no lineup so its useless.

The russian version will be tt

Yeah, noticed that

Why would it be 4.7 either? It’s at most the Zis-5 gun without the armor.
It’d be 4.0 - 4.3.

The KV-1A has 105mm armor on the turret not 90mm like the Zis 5 what are you on?


The KV-1B has base 75mm turret armor with the sides being covered with a 30mm plate bringing the turret to 105mm, so what again will happen is what i said before. It will be the same br as the better KV-1C on germany and thus be useless on finland.

Additionally it is also slightly worse as it is missing the 25mm side armor found on the KV-1B behind the tracks.


105mm cast = 98.7mm RHA equivalent, which while not the 90mm of Zis 5 doesn’t matter.
So as I said 4.3 probable; 4.7 possible and definitely not 5.0 as you falsely claim…

It has the same hull as the Zis 5 what do you mean?

So again i must ask why you keep thinking it would be below the Zis 5.

So again, KV-1A will have better armor than the Zis 5 turret wise as bith have the same hull. Yet it will have a worse gun than the KV-1C so either way it is worthless on finland as sweden has a 4.0 T34 1941, a 4.0 TD with 158 pen and poor mobility, no armor. And 2 other Mid TD’s at 4.0 yeah definitely worth the .7 BR increase. Or if you play 5.0 the KV-1A gets merked by vehicles with better guns and armor. So again i gotta say the KV-1A was not what finland needed to get Heavy tank wise. This tank will be garbage if released at 4.7 or higher which it will and gaijin will force you to have to pay for it which is the most hilarious joke just like gaijins care for the finnish subtree.

What do you mean? Why would a vehicle which is still better than the ZIS 5 be lower in BR? Its better armor and unlike the german KV-1C it wont have the cupola weakspot. So it wont be an instant one shot but it also wont have the gun to handle a slight uptier. So again why should it be 4.7 when it is better than the Zis 5?

It’s not better than the Zis-5. It’s at most on-par with the Zis-5.
The fact that Russian main argument of not being able to stand the game being balanced is hilarious.

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So again we are back to the problem with it. If it goes to 4.7 it has a sub par lineup in which you pay to get clubbed unless you get decent maps since none of the TD’s reslly do anything great. Or it goes to 5.0 for the cupola trade off for the gun and it does poorly regardless. Again it wasn’t the right choice for finland since gaijin has zero interest in balance to begin with.

Also are you calling me a russian main? If so what the actual hell, and if not no worries.

Not calling you any main; I’m calling the argument of saying KV-1A should be a higher BR than Zis-5 despite them being at most equal is a “Russian main-like argument”.
I poorly worded it initially, but it is largely correctly worded currently.

No one is stopping you from putting a 4.7 tank into a 5.0 lineup.

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