Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 3)

yep, Its crazy, Even if we dont have gen 4s. That is no excuse for things like late Jagaurs being absent, Tornado Gr1 still unfinished or like you said, aircraft actually with historically accurate AAMs. Even just fixing Red Tops and SRAAMs would give us some great aircraft additions, but still nothing.

And then you look at Ground our MBTs are just target practice

We have no effective ground line up at top tier

And then when you go over to naval where we should be the strongest nation, we are hampered by massive nerfs like the insane shell disperal on the Hood. Its terrifying what they consider “balanced”

M8 have you even read the Q&A ?


comes in here disagreeing but doesn’t back himself up

Then you know that reason is bs gaijin add missiles all the time for jet and some don’t get moved up in rank.

I’ll have to trust you on your test, but the wiki makes no mention of a lead indicator for the F-4J

That could be with any plane but this is the best air premium which is better then its tech tree counterpart

I don’t play ground after 6.0, so I can’t speak for that, but I can speak for air, we could have the A-4 Kahu to give us an edge in CAS and air to air, but god forbid giving New Zealand aircraft to the tech tree! I mean heck, the only Kiwi aircraft in game is the Strikemaster, which is a PREMIUM BATTLEPASS that I will never be able to get. The Strikemaster could’ve gone in between the Hornet and Swift, and the Kahu could have gone after the Harrier GR.3.

My suggestion for the Kahu was denied because “Lack of history”, I spent hours writing up the history of the Kahu, and linked enough sources to let the devs read up on it more as well. There was plenty of evidence to show it existed, images, sources, even government websites. But “Not enough evidence to support this”

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Not really, every 11.7 Phantom is rank 8.

maybe i tested the wrong plane by mistake

Which just proved their point? I don’t understand what you’re trying to say, we aren’t against the aircraft moving to rank VIII.

Yeah… that seems to be common trend for the British TT. Its insane how much work people have to put in for even the slightest change. Meanwhile other nations just have to blink their eyes at the devs.

Legends like @Legwolf spent a huge amount of time digging information on the CR2, and we’ve had no word or statement about it. Nothing. Im willing to bet all of his hard work is going to be responded to with “not a bug”

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the f4j doesn’t have EEGS my bad

Yeah, cause it’s been stated multiple times armor reports are treated as suggestions not bugs.

Gaijin can fabricate weapons and radar and the likes for the Russians, they can forge loadouts for Germany, they can fabricate an entire fking plane for the Japanese. But they can’t handle a suggestion, where the poster did literally the entire work for them.


There are no Phantoms at rank 8 the only ones are the Japanese one all the rest are at rank 7

BR has nothing to do with Rank. almost all of our Rank 8s are 11.3. Though I really dont think the FGR2 getting 9Ls would require it to move up at all. Tornado F3 is barely 11.3 material and it is superior in every respect apart from bombs.

Aight, thanks for testing

Kurnass 2000

Not just armour. Everything is wrong on the CR2. Including basic things like where the crew sit and where ammo is located within the tank.