Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 3)

Aim-9H are copy paste G’s. There’s nothing better about them.

JH-7A and PL-5C have only articles but have not been tested at all, not even a shadow of a shadow on the Dev server! Surely the stealth camouflage update must be a surprise. This is crap joke:P

and how explain

It’s supposed to have a better track rate, not sure if they ever really implemented that tho
Still, the F-4S is blatantly a P2W vehicle, even if it “just” gets EEGS and combat flaps over the US F-4J and it definitely should be one BR step above the US F-4J if the BRs weren’t so god damn compressed

Comparing the F-4J(UK), the US F-4J and F-4S, you can’t tell me they offer the same performance and deserve to be the same BR

the f4j in us has the hmd the same as the f4s


Yeah that’s true, Britain get’s an F-4J without HMD, with AIM-7E2 and AIM-9G at 11.3, America gets F-4J with HMD, AIM-7F, AIM-9G at 11.3, and the F-4S gets AIM-9H and slats… very balanced

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I don’t have either of those ingame, but the F-4J doesn’t have EEGS according the x-ray, while the F-4S does

Im sorry, but when they added the Su-39, we had not 1, not 2, but 3 threads calling for it to get AAMs buffs that would make it more powerful than even top tier fighters at the time.

The F-111 has had dozens of threads calling for AAM buffs.

When R-73s were added, we had dozens of threads calling for Aim-9Ms to be added to everything, we still do.

All are apprently fine

But Britain mains finally have had enough of being the worst performing nation in the game, with the worst vehicles in the game, that has been systematically neglected for years, we are all “Complainers”

We’ve had enough of being treated like crap by the devs. People have to accept that we are actually a nation in the game that could be just as competitive as everyone else and we want out vehicles to be historically modeled for once.

its Crazy that when something is wrong, we have to write a 10000 word essay, with well referenced sources and fight for months for Gaijin to even look at it, but every other nation gets bugs fixed within hours.

For once. It would be nice if instead of excuses, the devs actually fixed our nation and added what needed to be added. Fix that which is broken.


I’ve given up playing Britain. I am now playing Japan. At least they have a fourth generation fighter. Even if it’s faker than my mother’s brain

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Unfortunately that is the case for most Britain mains at the moment. The usual response I get is “why dont you just play another nation” which just shows how bad its gotten that the default is not “how can we fix this” its “why are you playing that nation”

Aye on top of that this proves gaijin isn’t willing to give Britain a good fighter for 5 year

5 year how is that not a right to complain about ?

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It has the improved track rate, but it does nothing in game. That was the main argument against adding it, as what made if different from the G isn’t modeled in game. Also the F-4S isn’t remotely P2W as it sill requires skill to use. Unfortunately the vast majority of players used them as bomb trucks. So isn’t doesn’t matter if in theory it has better performance, if the players using don’t know how to properly fly it.

the only difference between f4j(us) and f4s is the flaps

im using right now to get f16c and i also use as a bomb truck but most people don’t use it well

So, the US F-4J does get a gunsight (lead indicator), despite it not showing in the x-ray?

I really really really want to play Britain, it’s my favourite nation, but it’s also the least rewarding nation. We can’t get stuff implemented to our tech tree because of “No images” whereas Japan gets something of complete fabrication, Russia get’s fabrication, America get’s blatantly op jets (Russia did before FM changes), and Britain is stuck with a “fourth” generation interceptor, without even it’s historical loadouts. Let alone the Phantoms without their 9Ls for years.

yes i just tested it and looked it up in the wiki it does

The reason that they give that it has to go up in rank just to add one missile is prove they don’t even play the game

Even if it goes up a rank I’d be fine with it, just add AIM-9L to F-4M, have that at 11.3/7, keep F-4K as it is and have it at 11.0/3

Prove them wrong. I dare you.