Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 3)

And that one gets 40g missiles. The F-4M/K get 18g missiles.

The Kai and Kurnass 2000 got moved to rank 8 “recently”


It got those missiles after loosing its radar missiles.

But the Sea harrier is rank 7 with 9L at 10.3

but slow so its lower

Bet they are going to give us another one though

Don’t know about you, but I’d rather have 6x 40g missiles, than 4x 18g missiles and 4x SkyFlash, especially since the Kurnass 2000 has 290 CM, lead indicator, and slats.

Don’t forget the guided A2G munitions the British ones don’t have

It’s an variant of the Gen 1 harrier.

yeah skyflashes are for close range so won’t be much of a loss

They barely work at close range. I once launched a SkyFlash at an F-16A, 6 km in front of me, same level, the enemy didn’t chaff, didn’t maneuver, just flew straight on, and my SkyFlash missed.

Kurnass 2000 gets a internal gun as well, that thing is a better fighter than the Spey Phantoms with how bad the Skyflashes tend to perform

Oh it does? Add that to the list too then!

yeah cause kurnass is just a upgraded f4e so it doesn’t have pulse doppler like that matters for it

It gets AN/APG 76, which is PD

Sorry, but the Kurnass 2000 has an upgraded radar, with PD lol

IFF as well right? Or am I remembering incorrectly?

my bad thought it had the same radar as the f4e

I believe all phantoms received IFF for their PD

I bet they are going to give is a “better” phantom with 9L which will properly be one of the highest BR phantoms in the game so it would be useless.