F-40 for America, Germany, Israel, Britain, and Italy, Su-75 for Russia, J-50 for China, F-2 Shinshin for Japan, JAS41G for Sweden, and Mirage 8000 for France.
If Germany really gets Tirpitz while all America still has is WW1 Dreadnoughts with 900 second reload times… I’m out from Naval definitely xD
F-4F ICE, though.
I mean it would really be a satisfying kill though. I get your argument though. How about an su-15 though?
we got no Civilian planes in game so it’s target is already out
Yes please
Pls, I have been wanting more planes like this and the F-106 forever man…
well US dominates air, they being weaker in naval seems fair at least
Hahahaha no but it gets r-60s and guns. And the j-8 is basically an su-15 right?
Yes please.
Now that’s a certified hood classic.
if it gets usable missiles even without guns it’ll be worth it
after all we got the Sea Vixen too
It’s not fair at all.
No nation should ever dominate more than others in a game mode, and I don’t think that being stomped in one gamemode is warranted just because it stomps in a different gamemode.
Sea vixen is alot of fun.
“X nation being strong in one game mode means its ok for X nation to be weak in another game mode” is not a good way of balancing. All nations should be somewhat equal in all game modes.
yes bur just like it this thing is only Pure premium material
tell that poor UK currently lol
That’s always going to happen though because no nation really every had parity in designs at the same time.
its not the best to depict it taking down a civilian airliner, but memes i guess
That’d be great.