No, not really the Kronstadt is killable/disablable by the high tier BB, the Scharnhorst can just chill in middle of the map and apart from bombs/torp there is nothing to harm it.
It’s the only picture I had of it on my phone. I didn’t want to offend anyone with it. I’m sorry if I did.
looks stasfying so thx.
But still propably fake since thosear just vehicles that we would like to see.
We’re about an hour and a half away from earliest usual dovbleg release time, so until then, how about I give a Discord leak list
I absolutely wreck with the Fireflash, AA-20 or Rb05A.
All Manual or beamriding.
Really need more of the latter like the Sparrow 1 or K-5.
Sparrow 1 would be sick especially on the f-3d.
That’d be great but I’d prefer F-106’s, AIM-4 carrying F-89’s and Su-9/11/15’s or other stuff like that.
Gotta say that leaklist looks a bit heavy for what isnusually a light update. But we never know how much work was done concurrently with otherupdates.
Got it, no F-106 for three more years.
Unfortunately, you’re probably right.
A man of class.
I totally didn’t just put it together in 2 minutes, no, it’s definitely real.
Just like you.
Damn…that is a lot of BS
You telling me America didn’t have designs on par with Bayern, Scharnhorst or Tirpitz…?
No, why would you say that?
Previous “leak lists” had at least in them vehicles that would be possible. This one? Yeah, only possible thing on that is maybe a Gripen…which will for sure come in last update sadly
No, no way. It’s definitely real. I for sure didn’t just put it together in 2 minutes. No way. Unthinkable.