Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

No, not really the Kronstadt is killable/disablable by the high tier BB, the Scharnhorst can just chill in middle of the map and apart from bombs/torp there is nothing to harm it.

It’s the only picture I had of it on my phone. I didn’t want to offend anyone with it. I’m sorry if I did.

looks stasfying so thx.
But still propably fake since thosear just vehicles that we would like to see.

We’re about an hour and a half away from earliest usual dovbleg release time, so until then, how about I give a Discord leak list


I absolutely wreck with the Fireflash, AA-20 or Rb05A.
All Manual or beamriding.

Really need more of the latter like the Sparrow 1 or K-5.

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Sparrow 1 would be sick especially on the f-3d.

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That’d be great but I’d prefer F-106’s, AIM-4 carrying F-89’s and Su-9/11/15’s or other stuff like that.

Gotta say that leaklist looks a bit heavy for what isnusually a light update. But we never know how much work was done concurrently with otherupdates.

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Got it, no F-106 for three more years.

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Unfortunately, you’re probably right.

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A man of class.

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I totally didn’t just put it together in 2 minutes, no, it’s definitely real.

Just like you.

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Damn…that is a lot of BS

You telling me America didn’t have designs on par with Bayern, Scharnhorst or Tirpitz…?

No, why would you say that?

So guy’s b-66 or a-3 this update?

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Previous “leak lists” had at least in them vehicles that would be possible. This one? Yeah, only possible thing on that is maybe a Gripen…which will for sure come in last update sadly

No, no way. It’s definitely real. I for sure didn’t just put it together in 2 minutes. No way. Unthinkable.

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