The Kronshtadt would like to have a word with you.
Got you.
Absolute ankle.
Btw whilst looking for a picture of the su-9 on Google I found this and I thought it’s one of those models made for devblogs.
It’d have its landing gear extended, but yeah, it looks similar.
except this thing really has no place in WT
it’s only armament are 4 Manually guided AAMs
So a head on machine.
imagine G.91 without ammo
I was thinking a Vautour IIN late without guns, but that works.
Head on machine or Bomber interceptor. It would be a 9.3/9.7 right?
probably fits better tbh
never, 7.7 at best
Not that I’m defending the fake, but it says +5 more and the schematics might just be loaded in a different order than the vehicle tree icons. Kind of like how actual stats are different from the statcards.
Just to stir the pot a little more, we did have previous rumors of the AH-56 coming, which would fill the heli slot.
9.3 I reckon would be good, yeah.
But nothing could catch up with it at that tier. Reminds me of the times when the lightning got a lower br and it recked.
It reminds me of when the F-104s were first added.
it honestly can’t kill anything at 9.3 and even at 8.3 it really takes an AFK pilot and perfect positioning to kill sth with it
M1A4 🇺🇸
Leopard 2A10 🇩🇪
T90MU “Proryiv 4” 🇷🇺
T-14M “Armata-M” 🇷🇺
Ariete PT4 🇮🇹
Challenger 4M 🇬🇧
Leclerk 2M “Lanceur de baguettes” 🇨🇵
Merkava 6C 🇮🇱
Type 25A 🇯🇵
STRV-126B 🇸🇪
Not complete.
Head on Missiles are nice as a Second armament but as the only armament I really don’t see them being useful
F-40 for America, Germany, Israel, Britain, and Italy, Su-75 for Russia, J-50 for China, F-2 Shinshin for Japan, JAS41G for Sweden, and Mirage 8000 for France.