Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

The Kronshtadt would like to have a word with you.

Got you.

Absolute ankle.

Btw whilst looking for a picture of the su-9 on Google I found this and I thought it’s one of those models made for devblogs.

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It’d have its landing gear extended, but yeah, it looks similar.

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except this thing really has no place in WT

it’s only armament are 4 Manually guided AAMs

So a head on machine.

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imagine G.91 without ammo

I was thinking a Vautour IIN late without guns, but that works.

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Head on machine or Bomber interceptor. It would be a 9.3/9.7 right?

probably fits better tbh

never, 7.7 at best

Not that I’m defending the fake, but it says +5 more and the schematics might just be loaded in a different order than the vehicle tree icons. Kind of like how actual stats are different from the statcards.

Just to stir the pot a little more, we did have previous rumors of the AH-56 coming, which would fill the heli slot.

9.3 I reckon would be good, yeah.

But nothing could catch up with it at that tier. Reminds me of the times when the lightning got a lower br and it recked.

It reminds me of when the F-104s were first added.

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it honestly can’t kill anything at 9.3 and even at 8.3 it really takes an AFK pilot and perfect positioning to kill sth with it

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M1A4 🇺🇸
Leopard 2A10 🇩🇪
T90MU “Proryiv 4” 🇷🇺
T-14M “Armata-M” 🇷🇺
Ariete PT4 🇮🇹
Challenger 4M 🇬🇧
Leclerk 2M “Lanceur de baguettes” 🇨🇵
Merkava 6C 🇮🇱
Type 25A 🇯🇵
STRV-126B 🇸🇪
Not complete.


Head on Missiles are nice as a Second armament but as the only armament I really don’t see them being useful

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F-40 for America, Germany, Israel, Britain, and Italy, Su-75 for Russia, J-50 for China, F-2 Shinshin for Japan, JAS41G for Sweden, and Mirage 8000 for France.