Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

MIG 25 radar cooking in the background.

They better bring back the previous Sea Harrier FRS.1 camo as an unlockable one

ha yes mig25 radar

better not stand in front of it while switched on, that would result in some nice cooking indeed

Your eggs would be hard boiled

I’ve gotten 2-3 things that’s I’ve noticed are wrong with the PBV 501. One. The PBV has the autoloader from the BMP removed. Two. It has a Stabilizer, like the BMP-1-a1, which some sill say “isn’t useful because of the guns arc”, but in CQB it’d make all the difference. So I think the BR if it should be lowered a bit from 7.0 because of a slower reload rate, but also not lowered too much because of the TP stabilizer.

Not sure about BR, but it’s probably for a specific lineup.

This is the pre-unification East German version with almost everything except the gun removed. In reality, it was not even fired due to prohibitions on the use of shells in peacetime. Therefore, there is no error here

Sure about that?
Sweden made modifications to the PBV 501 after buying them, idk where your getting this East-German prohibitions from either, considering they were sold post unification.

BMP-1A1 ost were modified from 91 to 94, in the amount of 600 pieces. The PBV 501 version was modified by a Czech company, and accordingly the DDR version was sold, not the Federal Republic of Germany. Not to mention the fact that all the versions that were made after the merger went to Greece

Yet the operated Obj 765-Sp2 (BMP-1) had a stabilizer.

With the autoloader removed (I should mention by Sweden), this is what Sweden aquired. Even more specifically this sounds like the Swedish one

The 1ETs10M powered gun laying system provides powered turret traverse and gun elevation with satisfactory accuracy using all-electric drives. Gun stabilization was not provided and was never provided to any serially produced BMP-1 variant during its career in the Soviet Army, and later, the Russian Army. The gun can be depressed to -4 degrees and elevated to +30 degrees, but direct fire with the 73mm cannon is only possible from -4 degrees to +15 degrees due to the elevation limits of the 1PN22M1 sight.

Okay, whatever.

Sorry but is that Wikipedia?

Might makes right. We outnumber the Sail, let’s salt it.


Honestly there’s enough salt in this community to make the dead sea look like brisk spring water.



Tbf its a good place to find general information and sources that go along with most pages


Idk, I’ve found that Wikipedia can also be a very misleading source, and will sight soruces that, upon inspection, don’t even back up the claim Wikipedia made.

A good example is how on the Wikipedia page for the VT-5/Type 15 Chinese light tank, it sights the Bangladesh VT-5 as possessing a hard kill APS, meanwhile the sources sighted doesn’t back it up with any proof, and you can’t find a single picture of a Bangladesh VT-5 with a hard kill system


Oh teah ofc fact checking the sources is important as well

To a certain extent, only if you know how to handle that “information.” You can use it at your own risk, but not to quote.

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