Leave my flying wing alone. It looks cool
I really wish gaijin would just ask the playerbase when it comes to these cases instead of just outright denying the possibility
Mirage G8 looks cool too :p
Dude, you gotta put a spoiler on such hot images
I cant pinpoint why, but it looks uncanny. Still would be nice thing to have
We have some nice uncanny things for lower jet too, really hope Gaijin give us our strange planes ! :p
Damn, he THICC
All i can say is, dayum boi he THICC, wait, she THICC
If you love THICC things… :p
It looks kind of shy
Also how high was someone while making this and on what. That stuff must have Slapped
If you want to know more:
I’m beating the crap out of this dead horse but, XF-2A exists and it could slot in where the AJ is and replace it, but at 12.3-7 most likely (wherever the F-16C sits basically). Reasoning being that it trades air to ground performance for air to air and since BRs are not independent, it’s a trade off.
Of course, doing that means Japan loses mavericks, the only stand off ordinance it has right now for ground RB.
Not like you care about AtG, while in the no fly zone
He THICC but most importantly he SUCC
I wonder what other things we have yet to see we will get in the update
I think we know everything that is coming.
mig 21, but there’s a twist : the pilot is in the radar cone
To be honest im hyped up for the new camos. Then i will see the GE ones and i will feels down. Then i will see GJN ones and i will realise how wrong i was. And i will repeat it on the next update