Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

tiger HAD, HAP and sidam mistral were all added to the game in the same update.
Mistral got nerfed very quickly for some unknown reason

Britian has Mistrels iirc, so that’d be why lol

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Give this man a raise! Subs and carriers would be lovely and one of my biggest dreams for this game.

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Too soon dude…

Assymtrical gamemodes would be fun.

Bombers Vs interceptors
Attackers Vs defenders
Convoy escort

All would be fun sub gamemodes


That’s exactly what I mean.

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It would make gameplay much more diverse.

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Right now its an unfair, unfun RNG deathmatch run by botted accounts. Naval is just mega unattractive to 99% of the playerbase.

I think it’d do great if they went this way.

Unfortunately I don’t think carriers would work, but subs would definetly work and be a lot of fun. Especially with sub chasers already in game

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Yeah, it would. There is a reason Naval EC (and this has been confirmed) only runs on weekends and it’s because everyone would play it over NRB and NRB would have no players.

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Carriers would work only if they were limited to X amount per game.

Insanely underwhelming devblog though. Yeesh…

“Avragre France moment” indeed.

We want better things and we end with better things alone :p

Mabye we’ll get a teaser tomorrow? Who knows…

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im gonna lose it if this is the only thing we get after 2 days…

probably gon be the TT

no jokes was sleeping on the train, woke up checked my phone for updates saw the dev blog, went back to sleep lol


Didn’t even see the devblog. Nice boat for them looks like.

Hope France got some nice floating beast too.


Yeah…like naval still feels highly unfinished so only few players that play are exited. Some of us just say. Huh…nice, but not interesting for me.

I really love ships, models are great, but indeed better gamemode would make more players…