Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

SO today devblod is 2 ships preorder. Disappointing

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Im starting to think they have problems sourcing Subcontractors to make their vehicles

You forgot “Gaijin after putting said 50 euros cruisers against battleships just so that they’re unplayable so that you have to buy the next premium to grind without wanting to alt+F4”


Both ships should be TT but bruh

For me it seems like they have problems with “resources”


please pay 140 euro to unlock todays devblog 🥺🥺

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At least you pay in euro, lucky

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called it, boring devblog for most, interesting/enjoyable for some

All 3 human players in Naval will enjoy this


Empty wallets are not things to be enjoyed.

If only naval had more attenton, together with Heli PvE and Sim

Wait until the US fed lowers interest rates again and manufacturing in China picks up. Both will strengthen the Ozzie dollar. Also sitting on some and waiting a few years to change them.

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I’m one of them, I won’t. It’s gunna be outclassed by the Hood, Scharnhorst, etc. So it’s only purpose is economy and the Belfast does that better anyway. Predictable and boring addition overall. Some might enjoy it, but basically a bot ship

So it’s not only ships but premiums ships and not only premium ships but unaffordable premium ships.

This is thee worst devblog of the update

I’d play naval if they made:
Human players in the majority of matches
The gameplay wasn’t such RNG
The maps weren’t just straight shoots
The balance was better
sub hunting gamemodes with aircraft
The gameplay didn’t demand you alt tab and watch youtube for entertainment


Like, how about a gamemode of Submarines vs a carrier group or shipping convoy, and you have to kill the resource ships to win if subs and destroy the subs or reach your destination if convoy

Right now its a case of just “I hope my rounds land somewhere important and I get a kill”


Naval is just…outright unfun

I like naval but am waiting for sub/carriers

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The Yamashiro is interesting. I would have enjoyed it’s ww2 refit version more though.