Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Yea, but at that time they were just like Hellfires, nothing with Fire and forget that came some patches later

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I honestly dont see why we cant get Hellfire Ls now tbh with Spike ERs on Helis
Not like they wont be nerfed anyways :p

I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s why the new A-129 is getting spikes, to test them out on a helicopter to see how they do.

Honestly we’ve seen how powerful PARS is Spike is gonna be NUTS launched from the air especially if theyre direct fire or toggle
Efit: Wish theyd add a toggle feature between top down and Direct fire for capable missles

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China has grown larger, comrades

Would be nice to see the JH-7 Early at a lower BR.


Probably Prem
Especially because people (here at least) seem to not like the J7D for some reason

Exocet test from the files :


Looks juicy ! Nice speed and range :D

Credit : JohnWick


brits fear the exocet :(


I’m staying pessimistic about the JH7A’s loadouts, gaijin will probably nerf the JH7A’s loadouts because of that magazine, and in fact the JH7A might just be a KURNMASS 2000 analog (probably worse)


It’s not as good on paper as the german premium equivalent, the Lazur-M, which gets radar missiles AND the same amount of 30G missiles in one potential loadout. Or the F-4S which for 0.3 more BR gets a very strong BVR and IR loadout plus a bombload to net you lots of RP. The Magics are good, but not as good as the competition.
Plus theres not much special about it so it’s just a MiG-21 with magics for $70

Least thats how I see it

I’ll just be happy with a new high tier CAS plane.

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Meanwhile Britain waiting for a new high tier plane


Now my friends its time for the Japanese mains to rise and ask for a competent comparable CAS vehicle! (I want the P1 so bad )


Hold on let me get my documents out

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How many of the American 500lbs drag bombs does it take to destroy a base?

Finally they updated these singleplayer missions in some way lol.

This is the wrong thread to be asking but check this out

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Kinda looks like DC-3. What’s the US’s variant used for WWII parachute regiment called.

C-47 Skytrain