Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

on reddit yes

9.13 and 9.12 should’ve both gotten R-73s.

Does the 29G get ETs?

yes even tho it shouldn’t

thanks, any links?

MiG Russia did the cockpit relableing on the German MiG-29 9.12As and a software update which added R-27ER to the launch computer and removed R-27T/ET

the new IFF was fitted by the Luftwaffe’s own engineers

Honestly I don’t know. On the dev they still got the Lightning ||


this x2

Germany never had R-27ERs or ETs."Data%20Mine"


The JAS39C has comparable flight performance to the F-16C, on top of having 8 hardpoints. It very much will be competitive.

I know but they required a software update to the Radar and Launch computer to be used on other MiG-29 9.12As and the German ones got that update too when they were modified to NATO standard

Germany before reunification only ever used R-73Es and R-27Rs.

6 wing hardpoints, 2 of which are reserved for IR missiles only(which’ll probably be the 9L because they dont use the 9M and we’re not getting the IRIS-T), with the other 4 for amraams. thats not competitive against an f-16c which can carry 6 amraams or 4 amraams and 2 9Ms IN ADDITION to some bombs or fuel tanks under the wings because it gets 8 wing hardpoints.

I am aware because R-27E wasn’t avalibe then

Literally just stay close to the ground and AMRAAMs are harmless.

So then what are you talking about when Mikoyan came out and did a software update so they could fire 27-ERs?

On the blog they say that the gunpods are coming for it, I assume they only showed a limited weapon set they had ready for the strikemaster in the streams.

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