Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

I know what you mean. But does developers know what you mean?

I don’t think they even know what they mean, honestly. Still, I don’t think we should be encouraging Gaijin to add incomplete ships when completed ones are still an option.

I think it’s possible that whoever got the information, simply got a hold of a list of vehicles being worked on during the development cycle for this update, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that everything is coming too the update. It’s very possible that not everything on the list comes into the update, but the fact that so much has been guessed correctly, means at the very least that all the vehicle on the list are all currently being worked on in some way, and may arrive sooner than later.

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Or did Bayern class has incomplete modification plans? As we saw Cavour is coming with ‘planned’ modification status, maybe we can assume Saschen with ‘planned’ later war modification if Imperial Germany has some.

Read my comment again, was talking about J-8B premium to grind the JH-7

Yeah. I mean, the A-4M was found in the files a decently long time ago (as part of that major asset leak from 2020), which is why it kept getting added to so many of the leak lists over the past 2 years or so.

However, it would be kinda neat if it turned out Gaijin had outsourced or was outsourcing a new version of the A-4M model, representing a more modern variant

Unfortunately not as far as I know. The Kaiserliche Marine didn’t plan that far ahead by 1918 and after 1918 the British enforced the Treaty of Versailles on them…

what are these?

they could’ve added the 39A back when the mig 29 and f-16 were first added.
39C with amraams makes sense but will also not be competitive if other aircraft(like the f-16) get amraams

kiwi with power


that the 5.7 event thing?

Yes,but Smin already confirmed not add aim-9g for it
according for BR and balance


yea that would make it like 7.7 and it doesn’t fit there

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do you think it’ll be competitive in Air-RB?

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hope they can add gunpod for it

RAE Universal Twin Gun Pods, each containing a pair of 7.62mm FN MAG machine guns

MiG-29G was a big brain moment I thought I would never see Gaijin do


I didn’t think they’d backstab us that hard either

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im not going to research and spade the same plane twice

I will don’t worry

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has any datamine posted, i may have missed it ?