Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

not anymore, all 23 MiG-29Gs the Polish got were send to Ukraine earlier this year

Iirc Polish MiGs were modernized around 2011 with Thompson-CSF SB-14 RWR so that’s something at least.

JH7A gives hope for a rank 7 premium that doesn’t suck. Something so people can grind out the JH7A.
Maybe copy paste J-8B would be nice.
Kinda wanna play China but the J7D is just awefull imo. One trick pony…and the trick isn’t even that good.

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There’s no real telling if it’s true yet at this point, either.
I don’t think a single nation has ever got 3 higher-tier (8.7-11.0) aircraft (all of which are focused more on strike) in the same update before…

No? They sent old ex-soviet 9.12As. MiGs in G/later modernized polish standard were kept because they are simply better. They operate only from 22nd Air Base in Malbork rn since the other MiG air base is currently prepering to transition to FA-50.

Yeah currently China air at top tier is a bit underwhelming, but I really am holding out hope that the JH-7 is coming, time will tell tho

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Whoever made the list definitely had some good insight into what might be coming this update. Theve gotten far too many thaings right too just be guessing, and many of the vehicles guessed correctly weren’t in the files prior to this update.
That being said, sometimes these lists include vehicles that for whatever reason end up not being in the update or were maybe being worked on next too the update vehicles.

The vehicles that we have yet too see are:
The SMS Sachsen
IL-2 Series 3
And of course the JH-7


Yeah man, you said it right.

We have Bravy, which uses naval version of S-125. Thats maybe the reason

SMS Sachsen? For what purpose? The ship wasn’t even completed. Sounds like someone just googled German dreadnoughts and picked one that sounded cool.

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You know, wasn’t completed is not important in War Thunder. Maybe Devs seems ‘Okay Scharnhorst is too powerful, and Bayern is too old and sluggish. Then maybe Bayern with little bit more speed would be useful!’


It’s impossible JH-7A as a 2nd premium pack pre-order rank 7 because carry guidance IR PL-5E II & PL-8, SARH PL-11 and guidance Air-to-Ground better JH-7 basic

I’m not sure dev server new version A-4M, JH-7A & A-6E SWIP coming to next week ? but could add MH-60L DAP & EC-665 Block II in new dev server

The problem I have with the A-6E SWIP and A-4M is that both have been tossed into leak lists from the past 5 or 6 updates, yet none of those updates added either aircraft.
Both are just kinda in the leak list, for the sake of being in the leak list.
Everything else on there is actually believable (especially JH-7, seeing as China has needed a more modern domestic strike aircraft after the Q-5L for quite some time)


Watch them add T-90M

Maybe it’s referring too the old ironcalds class

Sachsen is the third of the four Bayern class battleships. She is only half a knot faster than her sister, for all intents and purposes no real reason to pick Sachsen over Baden. And just because one nation gets made up nonsense because it doesn’t have anything else doesn’t mean we should just assume they’ll do it to nations that don’t currently need it.


The two helicopters your talking about already were shown off, the black hawk just isn’t ready yet for the dev server, but was shown on live stream

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I guess normalizing ironclads is the only way to give China a top tier prior to the missile age lmao

Problem is your letting those two vehicles create doubt in your mind while ignoring all the other vehicles it predicted correctly that are way too specific too simply chalk up too a random guess, like all the helicopters, the BTR-152D, Leopard 40/70, and the Italian ship that was now found in the files. There’s too much accurately named too be pure luck for a fake leak list.

Maybe so.
I’m just not used to possibly getting 4 aircraft I’ve been wanting in-game for ages all in the same update