Eh, something with more rockets would be nice, but eh, UK miltary precurment is a mess so not a lot of options
Now thats a buzzkiller
Wildcat I think would be next logical addiiton for top tier
20 ATGMs go brrrrrrrrr
Basically :P
The m3 Lee and m4 Sherman are the same thing, just different superstructure.
Its a shame the Sea King only got fitted with torpedoes and depth charges
Yeah… Though if we see subs and more modern naval… could be useful
The Wasp HAS.1 already has it 's depth-charge pylons modelled ingame, no ?
Marlet can be fired from the stormer too… While the HEAT pen isn’t much, I imagine quite a few of them fired off at once would ruin a tanks day :∆
Yeah, I believe the fuselage has attachment points for depth charges ingame, but since gaijin doesn’t let us use depth charges against tanks they aren’t used
Honestly I have no idea, but probably
Big calls for that too happen even jsut for SAM I think. the Starstreaks are basically broken right now
Does anyone have a picture of the leak list? I cant find it
Woaw, that’s a spiky boi
that is just the G and that is cause of the snub nose
the SPIKE ER is an israeli domestic ATGM
Who’s on the candian 20 dollar bill and come back to me with that
The Queen of Canada, Queen Elizabeth ii.
Can we get ability to play with helicopters in ground battles on dev? I suppose there’s no ready helipads or airfields for now