Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

The problem with Straya and Canada as subtrees is that they wouldn’t provide nearly as much as SA (at least in terms of ground vehicles)

Don’t get me wrong, if they can add them smoothly I won’t complain. I just don’t think Gaijin is willing to actually put in the effort to integrate them properly.

I mean realistically people get mad anytime something gets added too Russia so that’s business as usual


When will the Hungarian modern round appear in the game?


And when does the Hungarian vehicle get a Hungarian crew profile picture, instead of an Italian one?


And isn’t a World War II Italian crew on a 1990s vehicle funny?


Thank you for your answers.

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Prehaps, but I think the idea that Britain is lacking in TT options is just false. There are few true gaps that would need a commonwealth filler. Only one that comes to mind is maybe a BR9 IR SPAA? But then you could slap a blowpipe or javelin onto a jeep

Mans thinking there can’t be a King of England if that king doesn’t have power over the country

How C-whatever planes work has helped me so much when chasing rabbit holes to build a Canadian air tree. With how all these “American” planes are rebuilt from the ground up in Canada.

Im actually more conerned about the state of Canadas education system. Do you know what 2+2 is?

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Shorland S.53


There we go. Ta!


South Africa I am totally fine with cus relatively where else would it go? Domestic Indian tanks like the Arjun (except maybe the first since it uses a T-72 style hull) could go either too Germany cus of tech connections or the UK cus it fires Hesh and uses a riffled gun. Or Gajjin could just make it official and say that India is a sub tree of the UK like Norway is for Sweden. But by just randomly throwing a T-90 too the UK just felt wrong

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Blowpipe/Javelin would work more like SACLOS or even MCLOS missile guidance

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True, there are very few actual gaps, but as with italy or sweden, the tree is rather lacking in diversity without a sub-tree

And the US the Ram II.

(Also the reskinned Candian Stuart but that not as important)

Maybe. I think there was always better options, but even still. Could have added SA stuff that actually add to the British TT. Za-35 for example does nothing that the Marksman doesnt do and the Bosvark does the same as the Skink (and both of those were basically added at the same time) So instead, why not a BR6-7 SPAA?

If they are going to add fillers, actual fill the gaps.

Im, not sure about native Indian stuff… I really fear top tier Britain air being French Mirages or Soviet Migs for the foreseable future because “reasons”.

Got any evidence for that BS?

(Btw, “England” and “United Kingdom” are basically interchagable terms over here, they mean diddly squat , so King of England and King of United Kingdom are the exact same thing in common speach)

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I fear that too.

Woah wowowow hang on there lad

Guys, if you could continue your story lessons in private that would be nice.

Then again, England is just a French colony that gone bad, so we can put all that in subTT for France, isn’t it? :p


French colony? The romans a joke to you?